Candace Owens barred from New Zealand just one month after Australia


by Clare Marie Merkowsky, LifeSite News:

Candace Owens’ New Zealand barring comes a month after her Australian speaking tour was canceled when the country’s top immigration officer, Tony Burke, refused to approve her visa application.

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (LifeSiteNews) — Political commentator and Catholic convert Candace Owens has been barred from entering New Zealand, less than a month after being barred from Australia.  


According to a November 28 report by the Associated Press, New Zealand officials have denied Candace Owens’ “Entertainers Work Visa” because she was banned from Australia in October.   



According to USA Today, the decision was issued November 19 in accordance with a rule barring applicants from receiving a visa if “they have been excluded from another country.”  

In October, Owens’ speaking tour in Australia was canceled after the country’s top immigration officer, Tony Burke, refused to approve her visa application. 

“Candace Owens has the capacity to incite discord in almost every direction,” Burke claimed, pointing to what he implied were previous anti-Semitic remarks made by Owens.  

Burke further accused Owens of “downplaying the impact of the Holocaust” and claiming “that Muslims started slavery.”  

“Australia’s national interest is best served when Candace Owens is somewhere else,” he remarked. 



Burke seems to have been motivated to block Owens after Jewish groups expressed outrage this summer over her tour. Owens, who has been critical of the Israeli government’s brutal destruction of Gaza, had previously taken on degenerate U.S.-based Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on social media and television. 

Owens was scheduled to appear in Auckland (New Zealand), Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and Adelaide to discuss topics such as free speech and “why Christ really is king,” among other subjects liberals disdain.  

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