by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

If you’ve been following the geopolitical news since President-elect Trump’s victory in the American presidential elections, you’ll have noted some things, not the least of which was Mr. Trump’s threat to the entire BRICS bloc to use the dollar, or else face tariffs of 100%, about which I blogged just this last Wednesday. But besides this (in my opinion, reckless) threat, there have been other more sobering and to some extent more heartening developments: all of a sudden some of the nastier Middle East actors are desiring ceasefires, Mr. Nuttyahoo is being confronted with his own trials, and Mr. Zelensky – who foolishly allowed his country to be used as cannon fodder by American Neocons in a war it could never hope to win – is changing his tune(and you can bet it was in response to that phone call from Mr. Trump), and is now declaring that he’d be willing to cede territory to Russia in return for getting out of this war (according to this story shared with our thanks by V.T.):


According to the article, Zelensky’s offer is counter-balanced by a stipulation that the Ukraine come under NATO’s protective umbrella:

For the first time since the war began Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenzkyy announced that he would be willing to cede territory to Russia in order to end the Russia-Ukrainian/NATO war.

Zelenskyy added that the agreement would also recommend a “NATO umbrella” of protection for territory still under its control.

Fat chance. Rather, Mr. Zelensky should expect that Russia will insist not only on no NATO or EU membership, but that the country pursue an Austrian policy of neutrality.  That neutrality would, I suspect strongly, be defined by Russia as also excluding certain western corporate and NGO actors and foundations as well, e.g., Mon(ster)santo or any related big agribusiness companies, Blackrock, and so on.  There’s little the West can do other than resort to cutting off Russia’s access to the West’s primary exports: unwinnable wars, bluster, petulance, and puerility and putting a high tariff on any Russian exports of adult behavior and reason.  The Russians know bluster, petulance, and puerility when they see it, because they went through more than seven decades of it with the Communists. The Ukraine is, sadly, learning the lesson the hard way. Thank you Victoria Nuland, your place and legacy in history is secure.

All of this brings us to the problem of those cut cables in the Baltic, and to a bit of high octane speculation that I wish was my own (article courtesy of S.D., with our thanks):

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