Biden and Newsom’s Backroom Deal to Ban Gas Cars is a Tyrannical Power Grab


by Lance D. Johnson, SHTF Plan:

    • The decision could be overturned by the Trump administration, which promised personal freedom for vehicle manufacturing and purchases.
    • Critics argue that electric vehicles are expensive, unreliable, environmentally damaging, and require government subsidies to exist in the first place.
    • The gas car sale ban is an assault on personal freedom and free-market capitalism.


Biden EPA tries to force electric vehicles on the population with ban on gas-powered vehicles

In a brazen assault on personal freedom and free market capitalism, the Biden administration has granted California’s request to ban the sale of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035. This decision, which represents one of Biden’s final acts before the incoming Trump administration takes over, is seen as a cynical attempt to prop up the failing narrative of climate change and assert federal control over what kind of cars Americans can buy.

California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, claims this ban is necessary to reduce emissions and combat the alleged “climate emergency.” However, the reality is that this mandate is overreach by the federal government and an affront to personal liberty. For decades, California was where people went for freedom – jumping on the bike, popping down the hood, and hitting the open road. Now, that very freedom is being strangled by the tentacles of climate change hysteria and misguided government control.

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