BBC Includes Man Among 100 Inspiring Women


from Moonbattery:

The transgender agenda has a devoted champion in the BBC, which even included a mad scientist from Colombia calling himself Brigitte Baptiste on its annual list of 100 inspiring women.

Baptiste is no woman, but he is certainly ideologically compatible with the loony-left Beeb:

The BBC says the scientist uses a “queer lens to analyse landscapes and species in a bid to expand the notion of ‘nature’ to better protect ecosystems”.


In a 2018 TED talk, Baptiste claimed scientists had discovered “transsexual” palm trees and stated that the “change of sex and gender has been reported regularly in science”.

On this basis, [he] argued that it was wise to do away with ideas of “naturalness” in nature, stating: “There is nothing more queer than nature.”

Not even nature can be allowed to be natural, per the agenda.

Baptiste describes himself in his X bio as a “cyborg bimbo wannabe.” Thanks to the horrors of science gone awry, he is well on his way to achieving his dream of becoming a science fiction monstrosity:

Are there not 100 inspiring women on the whole planet to fill out the list without including men? Sure there are. But with all things BBC, pushing a leftist agenda comes first.

That could be why the Beeb anointed Barbra Banda Women’s Footballer of the Year:

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