A German lab has started to offer tests for spike proteins and plasmid DNA to those who suspect they have been injured by covid “vaccines”


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The Institute of Molecular Diagnostics (Inmodia GmbH) is offering tests to establish whether a person’s body has vaccine spike protein or DNA plasmids.  The purpose of the tests is to allow people who believe they have been injured by a covid “vaccine” to present evidence in court, for example, to support their claims. Additionally, the tests will help collect evidence to support the argument for discontinuing the use of covid injections. 

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The following information is according to Inmodia’s website.

Never before in the history of medicine has a vaccination been associated with such a high number of serious side effects and consequential harm, including deaths occurring simultaneously. This situation arises primarily because the covid-19 vaccine is not a vaccine as we know it but rather a novel gene-based product that utilises an untested technology in humans.

Two different forms of genetically engineered injections were used in the global covid vaccination campaign. In both cases, the injections forced our bodies’ cells to produce the foreign spike protein (SARS-CoV-2, Wuhan variant).

In the case of DNA-based injections (AstraZeneca, Janssen / Johnson & Johnson), the blueprint for the spike protein is available in the form of a DNA copy, which is introduced into the cells with the help of an adenovirus envelope. Once inside the cell, the DNA must first be transcribed into mRNA.

In the case of RNA-based injections (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna), the blueprint for the spike protein, which occurs naturally on the surface of coronavirus particles, is already available as mRNA, which is introduced into the cells with the help of an envelope of partly synthetic fat-like molecules (lipid nanoparticles, LNPs).

This “vaccine mRNA” is not natural but genetically modified (“modRNA”). The chemical composition of the modRNA has been modified by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna in many ways so that the end product no longer corresponds to a naturally occurring mRNA. The modRNA has a significantly extended lifespan and therefore leads to a maximum and long-lasting production of exogenous spike protein.

modRNA is synthesised based on a DNA template, which must be completely removed before the modRNA is packaged into the lipid nanoparticles (“LNPs”). It has since been found that the RNA-based injections are contaminated with significant amounts of DNA (plasmid DNA).

There are various conceivable mechanisms, including plasmid DNA impurities, for the triggering of serious adverse effects.

The best documented adverse effects are inflammations caused by the body’s own immune system reacting against the foreign spike protein produced in the body’s cells.   Particularly prominent are inflammations of blood vessels, heart muscle, lungs, skin, liver, kidneys and nervous system.

There are also indications that RNA-based injections weaken the immune system’s defence function. This is reflected in the increased number of cases of shingles and bacterial infections such as appendicitis, and wound and prosthesis infections.

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