Will Washington Destroy the World?


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Americans who think themselves  informed because they watch CNN, read the NY Times, and listen to NPR, regard my warnings about nuclear war as disinformation, even hysteria.  They say that US government officials, such as Secretary of State Blinken and National Security advisor Jake Sullivan, are not stupid or insane.

Dear readers, you tell me how you can give permission for the US and NATO to fire missiles into Russia, especially when the Russian President has clearly stated it means the US and NATO are at war with Russia, and not be stupid and insane.  That Blinken and Sullivan gave this permission in the face of Russia revising her war doctrine and permitting nuclear weapons to be used at a lower threshold indicates that the United States has a Secretary of State and National Security Advisor who are disconnected from reality. 

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All Americans, and perhaps the human population as a whole, might die as a result of these two utterly stupid men.  Both of the fools represent the military/security complex and Israel.  Neither is capable of thinking beyond the interest of the power and profit of the US military/security complex and Israel’s interest.  The military/security complex and Israel are their only constituencies.  The rest of the world is sacrificed to these two interests.

The utter stupidity of Blinken and Sullivan is matched by the American whore media, a brothel that sells itself for money. Yesterday one of the principle whores, the Washington Post, published what is without doubt  the most ignorant and stupid editorial in recorded history.  The utter fools who wrote it said that it is not worth stopping the march to Armageddon if Trump makes a bad deal: “If Trump leaves Ukraine dismembered, America will look weak and dictators will be emboldened.”

Examine this loaded language from the editors of the Washington Post and wonder how America can possibly survive. For the dumbshit Washington Post editors, it is more important to keep the war going on the road to Armageddon than to “look weak.”

What dictators will be emboldened?  Putin, elected overwhelmingly for a quarter of century by margins that not even Trump can achieve?  For the dumbshit Washington Post editors, “dictators” are those who will not subject their sovereignty to Washington’s hegemony. Who are these “dictators? They are the leaders of Russia, China, and Iran, the favorite manufactured enemies of the Israel Lobby and the American military/security complex.

Dear readers, yesterday I informed you that the new intermediate range Russian missile–created only because President Trump in his first term voided the INF Treaty that President Reagan and President Gorbachev signed, a treaty  that greatly reduced the chances of nuclear war–can be used to destroy in a very few minutes all US and NATO military assets in Europe and the Middle East without the use of nuclear warheads.

Why did President Trump make this incomprehensible mistake that shows a dangerous lack of judgment?  Because he was advised either by totally evil people or totally stupid people.  How do we know it will be any different this time?  This is what the Russian government wonders.  

It is not enough that the Washington Post, whose stupidity is a danger to life on earth, regards understanding the Russian point of view as weakness, but also the Wall Street Journal  joins in the push toward Armageddon.  

Holman Jenkins, once a semi-intelligent person, has fed the war impulse with his acceptance on November 23 of the Biden regime’s propaganda that North Korean troops are fighting Ukrainians side-by-side with Russians.

There is no evidence that I can find that North Koreans are participating in the conflict.  They are in Russia for demonstrative reasons to show that the Russian/North Korean defense pact is real.  The purpose of the pact is to show the dumbshits in Washington that American pressure on China with regard to Taiwan can be countered with pressure on South Korea.  The low grade morons who comprise the US government are far too stupid to understand that the threat produced by their provocation of China is South Korea being overrun.

Look at America’s leaders and tremble.  Senator Lindsey Graham, a man without a brain, is ready to go to war with Russia, China, and Iran.  What does the fool think the consequences will be?  American victory? Yes. That is how stupid he is.

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