by J.B. Shurk, All News Pipeline:
In the background of everything I write is a recurring message: human freedom is invaluable, and we must fight for it daily. We are not “biological programs” or “redundant machines,” as the techno-fascists at the World Economic Forum would describe us. We are not “useless eaters” whose mere presence threatens the planet. We are unique individuals made in the image of God. We are meant to make choices, learn valuable lessons, struggle through hardship, overcome adversity, and persevere. We are meant to live, have children, protect our families, and pass what wisdom we gain to the next generation.
What I describe above is ancient knowledge. Yet many of today’s “leaders” would deny these essential truths. They speak of “saving the planet” with great fervor but are silent when it comes to saving human life. In fact, their message is just the opposite: don’t get married, don’t have kids, celebrate abortion, and embrace euthanasia. To most leaders in the West, life is a burden. Or rather, your life is a burden. While they enjoy the perks and privileges of wealth and power, they see everyone beneath their social stratum as just another mouth to feed. How lowly and unimportant are we in the minds of those who wish to rule over us? Men such as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Al Gore, and John Kerry tell us bluntly that we should own nothing, obey our “betters,” and subsist on a diet of bugs. According to their dark worldview, this is the bleak future that we deserve.
No doubt Schwab, Gates, Gore, Kerry, and other WEF enthusiasts see themselves as “visionaries.” The editorial boards of many influential newspapers and the boardrooms of many influential corporations certainly hail them as such. Don’t forget that prominent American and European businessmen once hailed Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler as “visionaries,” too. There is no shortage of opinion pieces from the snappiest writers of the first half of the twentieth century extolling the “virtues” of the very leaders we now almost universally denounce as monstrously “totalitarian.” When the World Economic Forum repackages the tenets of totalitarianism as a “humanitarian” form of global governance necessary for fighting “climate change,” “disinformation,” or COVID, the ideological descendants of last century’s totalitarians manage to make this century’s totalitarianism sound like philanthropy.
This is how the battle for human freedom goes. In every generation, new leaders rise whose dark ambition is to rob individuals of their liberty. In every generation, a gathering of people must see through the descending fog of fear and falsehood and draw those lost toward freedom’s light. Sometimes freedom wins, and the tyrants lose. Sometimes we humans find ourselves trapped in darkness for quite some time. This, however, remains true: no matter how bad things get, there are always those who refuse to bend. Perhaps their parents bestowed them with enough wisdom to see through the fog, perhaps their faith in God gives them uncommon courage for dangerous times, or perhaps their thirst for liberty is more intense than most. But wherever tyranny grows, those with rebellious spirit fight back. Moses freed his people. Spartacus led an army of former slaves. Abolitionists built an Underground Railroad. Freedom-minded Europeans toppled the Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain. Liberty always finds a way.
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