While It Seems Silly With So Much Going On, The Widespread Enthusiasm For The ‘Trump Dance’ Is A Healthy Sign For A Society That Has Been Deprived Of Authentic Joy For Far Too Long


by J.B. Shurk, All News Pipeline:

I’m not much of a spontaneous laugher, but the explosion of videos with people doing the “Trump Dance” just cracks me up.  When President Trump started showing off a few of his signature moves during the 2020 campaign, I thought the whimsical addition to his rallies provided a bit of levity to an otherwise stressful time, during which COVID dominated the headlines.  Then I noticed that college-aged social media users had adapted Trump’s routine into a game similar to Dance Dance Revolution.  Trending videos on YouTube and TikTok highlighted young people trying to replicate his movements with a split screen showing Trump dancing on one side and competitive mimics on the other.  The “Trump Dance” became a cultural phenomenon.

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The late, great Andrew Breitbart was keen on reminding conservatives that politics is downstream from culture.  It is only right, then, that his eponymous publication featured a story a few days ago that captured how popular the “Trump Dance” has become.  The Breitbart article includes videos of Argentinian president Javier Milei breaking out to the “Trump Dance” with supporters, San Francisco 49ers star Nick Bosa celebrating with his teammates on the field, and numerous young men and women enjoying the Donald Trump dance craze.  If you look at any social media platform, you can find videos of people all over the world doing the “Trump Dance” at parties, in bars, at sporting events, and near historical landmarks.  The funny little dance is a global sensation.

Now, this might seem silly to a lot of people.  We have so many serious problems today, and Americans struggling to make ends meet don’t have time for an extra helping of nonsense.  Allow me to suggest, however, that the widespread enthusiasm for the “Trump Dance” is a healthy sign for a society that has been deprived of authentic joy for far too long.

It is no coincidence that Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign avoided real policy issues and concentrated on selling “joy” to the American people.  Polling consistently shows that Americans have never been so unhappy, and during Biden’s presidency, a record share of the electorate has agreed that the country is on the wrong track.  Democrats tried to spackle over these ugly numbers with fake displays of happiness.  They relied on celebrity musicians, actors, and influencers to smile for the cameras and tell voters how excited they were to vote for Kamala Harris.  This media blitz of artificial joy failed.

Why is that?  Because Democrats abandoned authentic joy long ago.  They turned their backs on American history and took a knee during patriotic tributes.  They rejected the concerns of blue-collar workers and began openly mocking people with dirt under their fingernails.  They moved away from the inspirational rhetoric of past Democrats such as President Kennedy and embraced a dark worldview in which Americans are divided into discrete identity groups and forced to fight one another.  When you think of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, or other members of the Democrat “Squad,” you don’t picture smiling faces.  You imagine angry frowns.

This is the Democrat party that President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder built.  Americans across the political spectrum had hoped that Obama’s 2008 victory would be the beginning of a national renewal in which petty racial divisions could be forever relegated to the past.  Instead of seizing the moment as a singular opportunity to heal old wounds and rejuvenate the country, however, Obama and Holder chose to pit Americans against one another.  In the half-century preceding Obama’s historic election, race relations steadily improved.  After Obama’s election, race relations steadily degraded.  Democrats and the propaganda press have done their best to falsely blame renewed divisions on white conservatives’ “unconscious racism.”  In reality, conservatives of all skin colors had hoped that Obama’s presidency would usher in a new era of American unity.

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