Western imperialism has always been a cesspool of lies, but now its media flush is busted


by Finian Cunningham, Strategic Culture:

The war between the United States-led imperialist powers and Russia that is playing out in Ukraine is not merely a proxy conflict. It is an existential showdown for the U.S. hegemonic system, benignly known as the “West”.

The high stakes of this showdown explain why it has assumed such extreme geopolitical tension to the point where there are palpable fears that the conflict could escalate to a nuclear World War Three conflagration.

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We have arrived at this abysmal danger in large part because the Western-controlled media have distorted and lied about the conflict to cover up the responsibility of the Western imperialist powers.

The Western media have performed as they have always done – to serve as a propaganda system to promote false claims and warped history in such a way as to enable the Western regimes to act criminally but with the cover of apparent virtue.

The United States and its imperialist partners in the NATO alliance claim that they are defending the sovereignty and democracy of Ukraine from “unprovoked aggression” by Russia. The Western media have indulged this narrative by repeating it incessantly, while strenuously omitting alternative perspectives.

Understanding the cause of the conflict is impossible if one were to rely solely on Western media for information. Because the “information” is essentially a propaganda narrative aimed at giving the U.S. and its NATO partners a license for what is otherwise their provocative military offensive on Russia’s borders. Russia’s deep-seated concerns about NATO’s relentless expansion since the end of the Cold War – despite assurances to the contrary from former U.S. leaders – are belittled by Western media.

The Western media will not tell its consumers about the CIA coup in Kiev in 2014 that overthrew an elected president to install a NeoNazi regime. The Western media called it a pro-democracy movement. The Western media will not tell its consumers about how the NATO powers weaponized the Kiev regime over the following decade to wage a low-intensity war of aggression against the Russian-speaking people of Ukraine, culminating in Russia’s military intervention in February 2022.

The Western media won’t tell its consumers that Ukraine has always been an object of intrigue for the U.S. and its NATO partners as a way to destabilize Russia and formerly the Soviet Union.

Destabilizing Russia and other foreign states is what Western imperialist powers have been doing throughout history, specifically since 1945, even though such interference in foreign states is a violation of the UN Charter and international law. Some independent historians like the late William Blum estimate at least 100 instances of the U.S. invading or interfering in other nations since the end of World War Two through election manipulation, sabotage by unconventional warfare, or fueling proxy armed conflicts.

No sooner had the UN Charter been established in June 1945 to protect nations’ sovereignty, and the U.S., Britain and other Western imperialist states began recruiting Ukrainian fascists who had collaborated with Nazi Germany in its extermination of Slavic peoples. Remember, the Soviet Union had lost 27-30 million people during World War Two to Nazi imperialism. A temporary war-time alliance formed between the Soviet Union and the U.S. and Britain was quickly rejected by Washington and London and replaced by the Cold War. The redeployment of Nazi remnants by the Western imperialists against the Soviet Union was a staggering act of treachery.

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