WATCH: Dems Admit to Breaking Law to STEAL PA Senate Race


by William Upton, The National Pulse:

Democrats on the Bucks County, Pennsylvania election board are attempting to include the tabulation of mail-in ballots where voters failed to sign one of the necessary boxes. The five-to-two Democrat-controlled State Supreme Court ruled prior to the 2024 election that these types of ballots were not to be counted.

Despite the court ruling, the Bucks County Election Board is including the disqualified ballots in their county over the objection of its one Republican member. Led by Diane Ellis-Marseglia, the board appears intent on breaking the law to push incumbent Senator Bob Casey Jr. ahead of his Republican challenger Dave McCormick. Numerous media outlets have declared the latter the winner, and McCormick currently leads by over 25,000 votes.


“I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country,” Ellis-Marseglia declared at Thursday’s board meeting, apparently referencing the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. She added: “People violate laws any time they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention. There’s nothing more important than counting votes.”

The actions taken by Ellis-Marseglia and her fellow Democrats in Pennsylvania—possibly under the guidance of Democratic Party election lawyer Marc Elias—appear to be a flagrant attempt to undermine the law and U.S. election results. Notably, in ArizonaMichigan, and Georgia—among other states—President Donald J. Trump and his allies have faced prosecution over attempts to substitute slates of state electors. The latter is arguably legitimate and legal under the color of law, while Ellis-Marseglia and the Bucks County Election Board openly admit they are intentionally breaking the law.


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