Very Positive Initial Early Voting Data – Also, Ground Reports and Election Issues 2024 Reader Feedback Thread


from The Conservative Treehouse:

DATA: While it is not my intent to interpret the data too much, I must say the current status of the EARLY VOTE looks good; very good for President Trump.

♦ IN PERSON EARLY VOTE ♦ – More than 38 million U.S. voters have gone in-person to vote, according to the latest data from the University of Florida’s Election Lab. Four years ago, that number was just over 35 million.  Main Point: 2024 “In Person” early voting has already exceeded the 2020 result.


♦ TOTAL EARLY VOTE ♦ – In 2020 30% of “Total” early voters (in person and mail in) were Republican, almost 45% were Democrats. That gap has narrowed substantially. So far, 36% of “Total” early voters are Republican, and 38% have been Democrats. [*Note: while the numbers will grow, the percentages are not likely to change.]  Main Point: A 15-point Democrat advantage has been dropped to 2%.

Here comes a jaw-dropping statistic….

♦ YOUNG VOTERS ♦ According to the Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE), 70% of young Americans aged 18-25 voted early in 2020. Currently, only 8% of those aged 18-25 are voting early.  For some reason there has been a massive drop in early voting amid those aged 18-25.  If this detached trend carries into Tuesday, well, it’s game over for Harris everywhere.

[Interactive Map Link Here]

For readers who voted early, let us begin our ground reporting on precinct level activity.

What is happening in your neighborhood, town, hamlet, village, county or city?  How are the polls AND VOTING in your area?

Ground reports have a record of accuracy.

Also use this thread to share reports of sketchy or concerning observations you might note.


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