Trump a Wrecking Ball for Climate Change Fraud – Alex Newman


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State” and the recent best-selling book called “Indoctrinating Our Children to Death,” has just returned from the UN’s COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan (Conference of the Parties and the 29th United Nations Climate Change Conference).  Newman says the UN’s COP 29 is not about fixing so-called climate change at all.  Newman, who is an award-winning journalist, says it’s really a total rip-off of the West and will lead to the destruction of the middle-class.  By the way, there is a near blackout of reporting on this global conference where the UN wants to take total control of everything.


Newman explains, “The climate scam underpins the entire project to build this New World Order:  the one world political system, the one world technocratic economic system and even the one world religious system.  So, this all rolls into the climate scam.  If the climate scam falls apart, all of the other pillars of this machine fall apart.  This is huge news.  This is front page news all over the world.  BBC, 24/7 this is huge news in every part of the world except the United States.  This is because they have done the polling, and they know the majority of Americans don’t believe the man-made global warming. . . . They know that if Americans know this is going on and they are planning to transfer trillions of dollars from what’s left of the middle-class to the third world kleptocracy, undermine our economy and reshape the world order,  Americans would be on the phone to their congressman, and this whole charade would come to a screeching halt.  That’s why Americans don’t know this is one of the most important stories happening anywhere in the world.”

In President Trump’s first Administration, he took a wrecking ball to the climate scam and got America out of the Paris Climate Accord.  Is Trump coming back to the White House causing angst at this year’s COP29?  Newman says, “There was angst like you would not believe.  It was almost funny to watch it. . . .  Most of the people were horrified.  We heard people saying we’re terrified, we’re frightened because of Donald Trump.  He doesn’t care about climate change.  We also heard a surprising number of people who really, really liked him.  But the overall sentiment among governments, the cronies that are hoping to profit from this and the UN officials was Trump is going to be a total disaster for our climate agenda.  Keep in mind that we have these Republicans in Congress who are embracing this man-made global warming theory.”

Newman says the UN is really after the children, to capture them early and brainwash them.  Newman says, “We need to protect our children who are being indoctrinated into this hoax.  We need to educate our lawmakers.  We need to let our elected officials know we will not tolerate them playing along with this hoax, redistributing our money, shutting down our energy systems and giving handouts to their cronies. . . . Ultimately, if we don’t deal with the systematic indoctrination and dumbing down of our children, we are going to lose every single one of these battles over the long term without exception. . . . We’ve got to get this issue right.  I believe it is the single most important issue.”

There is much more in the 44-minute interview.

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