This is how the cabal completely controls the American people and…..


from State Of The Nation:

…they don’t even have a clue.

Is there any question that the USA has irreversibly morphed into the United States of Narcissism?

Here’s how they did it.

First and foremost the cultural marxists quite stealthily set up the main pillars of the American temple of narcissism over decades so it was hard to detect.


The central column of this temple is the Consumer Society.  And that process began in earnest with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  So that’s well over 100 years of intensive social engineering and mind control programming the entire U.S. citizenry into their new identity of being a CONSUMER, often the primary precursor to becoming a narcissist.

Think about that: In America, before you are even a person, you are a consumer who is greatly valued for you high level of consumption.  Hence, the richer you are, the more you can consume, the more respected and honored you are throughout American society.

Once the Consumer Society was put on steroids after World War II, each successive decade saw a quantum leap in the intensification of this highly self-destructive social phenomenon.

Fast forward to 2024, and it’s very easy to see that the very fabric of American society has been irreparably torn by the several narcissistic traits that are born out of the ever-inflamed desires to consume and buy and own and acquire and have and purchase, etc.

Then what happened?

We came to the 1960s and 70s when a whole series of society-destroying initiatives were launched one after another by the highly organized cultural marxists.

The illicit ‘legalization’ of abortion in 1973, after the women’s lib movement emerged in the 1960s, were — BY FAR — the two most powerful weapons released by the agenda of Cultural Marxism.

A distillation of each of these is this:

(1) Once a woman were permitted by the state to conspire with their doctors to outright murder their babies in the womb and right up to birth via abortion, the ultimate narcissist was born.  In other words, with the ruthless killing of the baby, a female tyrant, who could play God with the both the powers of life and death, was lamentably created.  This extremely baneful societal dynamic ensured that the female half of the American people would get put onto the fast track toward full-blown narcissism, which is exactly what happened. (Yes, there are a LOT of male narcissists too, of course.)

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