The Smoking Gun: Who Started the War? Was It Russia or Was It US-NATO? NATO Confirms That the Ukraine “War Started in 2014”


by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research:

Statements of NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg

Author’s Update
A NATO Summit Meeting in Montreal

The smoking gun: Who Started the War. Was it Russia or US-NATO?

The answer comes from the Horse’s Mouth.  NATO STARTED THE WAR IN 2014, following the U.S sponsored 2014 Coup d’Etat 


Of utmost significance:  On September 7, 2023, NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg  in a presentation to the European Parliament, formally acknowledged that:

“the war didn’t start in February last year [2022]. It started in 2014.”

This far-reaching declaration confirms his earlier statement in May 2023 to the effect that the Ukraine War

“didn’t start in 2022”, “The war started in 2014”.

Stoltenberg’s Interview with the Washington Post: (emphasis added, complete text of Washington Post Interview in Annex)

Speaking on behalf of NATO, what this statement implies is that US-NATO was already at war in 2014.

It also tacitly acknowledges that Russia did not “initiate the war” on Ukraine in February 2022. 

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