The radical Left will not go quietly; expect the unexpected!


    by George McClellan, America Outloud:

    As conservatives recover from the unabashed but rare joy of victory, no thanks to the GOP, and review the shattered remains of the Progressive Democrat Party scattered to the wind, we are reminded that even now, while leaderless, the radical Left is doubling down in their schemes to deny Trump his role as Americas next President. How? Trump did win, didn’t he? First, be aware that these types of claims coming so recently after the Democrat debacle that was the November election are simply a scheme to raise funds based on our fears. I don’t say it’s bad; it’s just a logical move to refill their coffers. There are many such claims being made by both parties.

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    Currently, the newest fear being pushed is that Chuckie Schumer (D-NY), soon-to-be ex-Senate majority leader, is attempting to raise funds to refill depleted Democrat coffers by passing a “No Kings Act,” a laughable device designed to strip President Trump by law, of presidential immunity. Then, they’ll get him! Don’t bet on it.

    First, any bill issuing from this Senate before January will have to pass through a Republican House, and there’s no chance of that. Second, if passed, the bill is expected to give Radicals (his party) an opportunity to flood the Trump administration with waves of fake innuendos, lawsuits, and investigations that will slow it down, if not entirely stop Trump from draining the swamp.

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