The PR Fallout of JD Vance Joining the Joe Rogan Experience: Let the Bromance Begin!


by Scott Pinsker, PJ Media:

In the first five minutes, there were at least half a dozen profanities as host Joe Rogan and Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) recounted cute, adorable stories of young kids swearing, cussing, and dropping F-bombs.

This ain’t your daddy’s Republican Party.
Jeb(!) Bush couldn’t have done it. Neither could his brother or father — nor could the last GOP nominee prior to Trump, Mitt Romney. They’re too uptight and too puritanical to vibe with a dude like Rogan.


It’s yet another reminder of how thoroughly the MAGA movement has overhauled the Republican Party: We’ve jettisoned the country club Blue Bloods and replaced ‘em with garbage men and McDonald’s workers. The political realignment is now nearly complete.

Vance has a gift for straddling the lines between all the different subgroups within the new GOP. He’s religious enough to bond with the Catholics and Evangelicals; he’s educated enough for the intellectuals and the economic ideologues; he’s patriotic enough for the military bloc; and he’s gritty enough to charm MAGA-adjacent influencers. In baseball parlance, he’s a 5-tool prospect.

So what did we learn?

Your first takeaway is that Vance is unusually intelligent. Not kinda smart or “smart enough” (*cough* Kamala *cough*) but genuinely a genius. His depth of knowledge (and ability to pivot) allows him to communicate compassionately and thoughtfully, even in a three-hour interview. Not all smart people can pull this off: Lots of them come across as uncaring eggheads who prefer numbers to people.

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