The next bankers’ heist: Swap US government-owned land and minerals for Bitcoin


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The US government may be planning to use taxpayers’ money to buy Bitcoin and hold it on government balance sheets.  Why? To benefit Bitcoin billionaires.

This move would allow the billionaires to exit their Bitcoin holdings at a high price and use the funds to acquire real assets such as land and minerals.  It should be taken in the context of discussions about land and minerals owned by the US government. 


Howard Lutnick, Chairman and CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, a leading financial services firm, and Chairman and CEO of BGC Partners Inc., a global brokerage company, has been nominated to be President-elect Donald Trump’s Secretary of Commerce.  Bloomberg noted on Wednesday that the knot of his conflicts of business interests when in a government position is unlikely to loosen easily.  In a recent interview, Lutnick discussed how to take advantage of “$500 trillion of land and minerals owned by the US government.” 

The goal, Catherine Austin Fitts says, is to swap the US government’s balance sheet from priceless assets, such as land and minerals, to worthless assets, such as Bitcoin.

“You have to give the bankers credit,” Austin Fitts says. “Who would have thought they could build a bigger heist than the pandemic this quickly?”

Plunder Capitalism: Is the Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Trial Balloon the Next Step in the Great American Land Grab?

Secretary of Commerce nominee Howard Lutnick describing US land and mineral assets. Clipped from ‘Billionaire Says Bitcoin, Tariffs and Donald Trump Will Make You Rich | Howard Lutnick’, Anthony Pompliano, 28 October 2024

By Catherine Austin Fitts, 18 November 2024

We are researching what looks to be the next phase in the financial coup d’état.

We are watching what appears to be a significant “astroturf” campaign to persuade the federal and state governments to begin significant Bitcoin (“BTC”) buying programmes using taxpayers’ money and funds borrowed with ever-expanding debt to fund BTC to be held on government balance sheets. This will solve a major problem faced by the Bitcoin billionaires – how to liquefy their holdings in a market that is not sufficiently broad and deep to allow them an exit during a major pump.

Why would they want to exit now? Because now that the debt growth model is over, and there is more paper than there are real assets, the rush for land and real assets is on. Think of this as a swap. If you are the Bitcoin billionaires and Mr. Global, you want to get retail to buy your digital creations so that you can shift to owning and controlling the real assets. Your problem, however, is that retail will not buy in sufficient quantity – so, you simply mandate retail buys by using the government to do it. You also want to glorify your digital creations and not draw attention to the land, minerals, gold and other real assets. The last thing you want is a wave of retail buying that competes the price of real assets higher.

It is important to connect the dots with the federal government’s efforts to survey all land and mineral resources and the growing discussion of how to take advantage of “$500 trillion of land and minerals owned by the U.S. government” (See interview above with Howard Lutnick, head of NY Fed primary dealer Cantor Fitzgerald, and nominee for Secretary of Commerce). The land and minerals cannot be disappeared out the back door in the way that the black-budget technology and the missing $21 trillion were.

So, what is the best way to plunder the remaining assets? Swap them for BTC, which started off as a great idea but has been hijacked and is now operating as a pump-and-dump vehicle. If you can get government buying programmes to send the BTC price to the moon, exit your holdings, and use the funding to pick up rich land and minerals, you can swap the US balance sheet out of priceless and into worthless. And if you can arrange for the sale of BTC to be tax-free, as was trial-ballooned by one RFK at Bitcoin 2024, the economics become wildly sweet.

This is a bit like the financial equivalent of vaccine mandates. When there is little market, just have government buy it and mandate it. And kill millions.

It is hard for anyone to fathom a more outrageous “reverse Robin Hood” – take from the poor and give to the rich. However, if you look at the success of the pandemic, we are reminded that “crime that pays is crime that stays,” and so the hubris continues to grow. Just start telling politicians that using taxpayers’ resources (other people’s money) to buy BTC will strategically position them to be “innovative” and attract the tech entrepreneurs to build the high-tech economy of the future.

Imagine an entire society of people already being brutalised by inflation and then using their retirement savings and taxes to pump the BTC price, thereby taking the Bitcoin billionaires out of their Ponzi scheme at the top.

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