The Latest Gold Survey Found Something Very Interesting


from Birch Gold Group:

Despite two volatile weeks, $3,000 gold in 2025 is starting to seem inevitable. Meanwhile, everyday Americans are finally starting to catch on to gold’s role in diversifying their savings. Then we investigate the increasingly popular opinion that leaving the gold standard was the worst decision our nation ever made. Could we go back?


Your News to Know rounds up the most important stories about precious metals and the overall economy. This week, we’ll cover:

  • At long last, gold is getting some mainstream attention
  • The gold standard was better than fiat money for everyone (except the government)…
  • …so could the U.S. realistically return to it?
  • China discovers a new, “supergiant” gold deposit

Gold’s popularity as an investment

It’s good to see articles like this that fully acknowledge the recent slump in the price of gold provided a great buying opportunity for latecomers. Some prospective buyers have been waiting a year or more, since $2,100/oz. to buy gold. It’s been a long wait. Even then, at $2,600 an ounce, gold was hardly the bargain some were hoping for.

Last week’s $150 gain was certainly notable! The consensus is that a mix of these flare-ups played a primary role in it. U.S.-provided missiles being fired by Ukraine at targets on Russian soil, North Korean troops and equipment deploying to Russia. Or just look at the Middle East: Israeli boots on the ground in Lebanon while 250 Iranian rockets rain down in a single day. Russia’s recruiting Yemeni nationals to sign up for the Ukraine fight, and the Iranians fired up their uranium concentration centrifuges once again.

Goldman Sachs issued a brand-new forecast that mostly reaffirms their $3,000 target next year.

What happens next is anyone’s guess. If gold can gain $150 in a week, we could see $3,000 gold before New Year’s Eve. Some are surely wondering if there are any chances for gold to pull back instead.

The problem with answering that is that, like now, the new “low” prices will still be quite high. Sure, saving $100-$200 an ounce sounds nice. I think that’s a mistake. Penny wise, pound foolish, as my grandfather would say. Like spending 15 minutes in the car to find a station selling gas 11 cents a gallon cheaper – is that really a smart use of your time?

Instead, think about the role gold plays as a diversifying factor in your savings. Notice that I said savings rather than investments. I believe gold is a form of inflation-resistant savings. Most of its price fluctuations are based on currency debasement, after all. When in doubt, we can always watch what the world’s central banks are doing. They’ll never tell you us to buy gold (that means less for them). So watch what they do instead. They’ll continue their paper money printing while assuring us everything is just fine – while buying gold hand over fist. Central bankers haven’t forgotten what real value is…

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