The Corrupt and Totally Evil American Establishment Has Eliminated Matt Gaetz, Trump’s Nominee for Attorney General


    by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

    Fabricated sex scandals were the corrupt establishment’s weapons. If that beautiful woman standing next to Gaetz is his wife, the falsity of the scandals is obvious.

    Dear President-elect Trump, Ken Paxton, the attorney general of Texas is sitting there waiting. You can’t find a tougher or more credible Attorney General. Grab him. For our sake as a people don’t again appoint a milk toast or another conciliator who will sell you and us out for “unity.” The corrupt American Establishment will unleash a sex scandal against Paxton. Ignore it. You need a tough AG. Be sure you get one at all cost.

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    Almost every senator has a sex scandal.  Tell them to go to hell. If they don’t confirm y0ur appointments, go after them. Ask the American people why they send senators to Congress who work against them.

    Fight!  Don’t accommodate!

    In my opinion Matt Gaetz should have stayed in, because the corrupt US Senate’s non-confirmation of Gaetz would have strengthened Trump’s hand in getting a strong appointment to the office.  What the establishment is determined to have as AG is a defender of their crimes and those of their Democrat puppets.  

    Will Bobby Kennedy be the next to be eliminated?  And then Tulsi Gabbard?  That would leave Trump with an Israeli-loyal cabinet ready to go to war with Iran for the sake of Israel.  This is not what MAGA Americans thought they were electing.

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