The Art of False Defeat in The Housing Market


by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

Have you ever been in a sports league or played on a rec team? You wake up in the morning thinking about the big game coming and psyching yourself up for the big win. Nothing is going to stop you – you are pumped!

You think about all of the best players on your team, both offense and defense, then you start assessing the players on the other team and how you are going to out-maneuver them. Your team has built a solid strategy, run plays exceptionally together, you’ve won countless games and you know you got this in the bag. You are heading for the playoffs!


But then the coaches on the other team are informing everyone that they’ve already won, the news is spinning the same tale, and everyone is telling you that your team has lost even before the game began. People aren’t even planning on going to the game because they know the other team has already won – it’s all the buzz. Even your sponsors dropped you. People aren’t interested in cheering for the underdog because they are so distracted by the winners flooding them with information on how they beat everyone. You may as well not even play for there is no chance of winning – you will never make it to the playoffs – so you are told.

Suddenly you find yourself in doubt and start sizing up the players for defensive moves, and you feel drenched in defeat before the game even begins. Do you think you are going to win that game?

This is how the “you will own nothing and be happy” camp pump out their PR and marketing to serve their private equity and hedge fund masters. The art of false defeat is a powerful social engineering tool, and they use it well. They play both offense and defense. Team offense pushes out the fear-mongering and propaganda to get everyone worked up, in a panic, and believing they are totally defeated, while the private equity and hedge fund masters play defense, claiming none of it is true. Of course, no one is going to believe them so they hedge their bets on team offense. And, once this goes on long enough, team offense is no longer needed because the sheer defeat felt by people will naturally propagate more defeat while sounding the alarm and essentially becoming the “free-of-charge” marketing arm for the camp. We have all fed into this.

Similarly, the same camp manufactures both sides of catastrophes – swooping in to save the day. They are always playing both offense and defense with the goal of making people feel defeated.

This is what’s happening in the U.S. housing market. They want everyone to feel defeated, as though people already “own nothing and will be happy.” It’s a PR stunt that’s been ingrained in everyone’s head and widely used by the masses.

But the reality is, when it comes to the U.S. housing market, homeowners and small mom-and-pop investors are actually killing it! Everyone was told that BlackRock was buying up all of the homes in America, that the big institutional investors own it all, and there is no hope for our future, but this isn’t the case. This doesn’t mean that private equity firms aren’t pulling out all the tricks and trying to gobble up the housing market, or that you should take your eye off the ball, but it’s important to understand the true reality versus hyperbole.

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