The American People Voted To Repeal Wokeism, Abortion, Transgender Tyranny, DEI, Inflation, Open Borders And The Entire Main Stream Media


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

America voted for America last Tuesday night, and rejected the radical woke agenda offered by Kamala Harris and the Democrat machine, but what comes now?

Last Tuesday night, the American people voted across the board to rid our nation of about a half-dozen things that no one wanted. Voters said with their ballots that they were tired of a bad economy with high inflation, tired of open borders and the endless procession of illegals flooding our states, and tired of the Obama Transgender Manifesto that sought to elevate the perceived needs of a resounding minority above and beyond the needs of the majority. The best part? Donald Trump was handed his landslide mandate by a wonderful coalition of blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, and yes, even LGBT voters. In short, America voted for America, and America won, but how long can we hang on to it?


So the question is, having received the a generational drubbing at the polls, has the Democratic Left actually learned anything at all about what the people want? It would appear they have not. America is now, and has always been, a very diverse nation, but people inherently understand that going to far to either extreme invites disaster. Much of how the Left is reacting right now is more in line with mental illness than it is with good old voter dissatisfaction. Reactions like women shaving their heads on social media, endless videos of Democrats dissolving into hysterical weeping and cries of ‘racism and misogyny’ because Hispanics and blacks ‘didn’t want a mixed race woman’.

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