Soul Over Mind – Mind Over Matter


by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:

I’ve struggled to write this year. Though I have published numerous reports, I’ve also written numerous articles, or at least the beginnings, the middle or the end of articles that I never published. It’s not that there isn’t plenty to write about, it’s that I operate from two different worlds and those worlds have been conflicting as of late. One world is fixed on this earthly plane, very much in the physical, fact-building, evidence-based arena, whereby I feel a strong calling to make people aware of what’s coming far in advance so they can navigate and make the best decisions for themselves and their families. The other world is very much soul-based, above and beyond this plane of existence, that allows me to see and feel from a place that renders the physical world somewhat irrelevant. This is the place that comes naturally, that resonates with my entire being, and allows me to embrace the future no matter what is to come.


So on the one hand, we have evidence stacked sky high with each piece cited and articulated for everyone to understand. It’s very constricting, painstakingly exhausting at times, and also somewhat limiting. It provides pieces of a massive puzzle that helps people sort through this “system” we all live in. I do believe it is necessary work, but the flip side to that is that the soul is the ultimate guide, the warrior, and the everlasting element of love that supersedes all else. It is the soul that gets us through and is wise to see beyond.

The things I can share from a soul standpoint are equally, if not more empowering than arming people with knowledge of events of the past and to come. Yet, I waffle back and forth over what the world is ready to hear or what I’m ready to share. Hence, dozens of articles never published.

Let’s take the election and where the next four years are heading, as an example. I could break it down from two entirely different angles. One that provides facts and evidence with high indicators of where things are headed, and the other from a soul perspective, which is actually far easier to digest. Perhaps that is the balance needed in my work? I’ve already provided thousands upon thousands of pages of evidence on so many agendas and topics, detailed with extensive timelines, money trails, connections, actions, white papers, videos in their own words, and so on… leaving little room for error. Now, I would like to share the intuitive side of me that helped guide me down those trails, to offer my full perspective and opinion on various events, actions and agendas. People can reference my past reports at any time if they so wish.

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