Ready Or Not, An Apocalyptic Global War Is On Our Doorstep


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Have you noticed that there has been a lot of talk about “peace” and “safety” recently?  After all of the war that we have witnessed in 2024, I would love for 2025 to be a year of global peace.  But right now global events are taking us in the other direction very rapidly.  An apocalyptic global war is on our doorstep, but most people in the western world are still in denial about what is happening right in front of our eyes.


On Thursday, the head of the Iranian Army warned that his nation will soon deliver a “crushing” blow to Israel…

In a Thursday meeting with family members of Major Sajjad Mansouri – who was reportedly killed during the Oct. 26 Israeli strikes – Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Army Major General Seyyed Abdolrahim Mousavi promised a “crushing” blow to Israel.

“We will determine the time and manner of our response. There will be no hesitation when the time comes, and our reply will surely be crushing,” he said according to Tehran-based news outlet Iran Front Page News, echoing threats issued by Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei earlier this month when he said Tehran would issue a “crushing response.”

Similarly, Deputy Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Ali Fadavi on Thursday said, “The entire world will bear witness as the complete downfall of the Zionist regime fulfills the triumph of righteousness over falsehood.”

Of course Israel has already promised that it will respond to any attack by hitting Iran even harder than it did last time.

In fact, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is suggesting that Iran’s oil fields could be a target…

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted that the IDF would hit Iranian oil fields should Tehran make good on its threat to launch another ballistic missile attack on Israel.

“Another attack on Israel would simply cripple Iran’s economy,” Netanyahu said in an unusual English-language message he directed at the Iranian people.

Can you imagine what that would do to the price of oil?

Israel’s defense minister wants to go a step further.  He is publicly suggesting that now is the time to wipe out Iran’s nuclear facilities…

Grossi’s comments came during a news conference Thursday and just three days after Israeli Defense Minister Israel Katz on Monday said that Iran was “more exposed than ever [for] strikes on its nuclear facilities.”

“We have the opportunity to achieve our most important goal – to thwart and eliminate the existential threat to the State of Israel,” he added.

If Israel goes after those nuclear facilities, there will be no turning back.

Both nations would start pummeling one another until only one side is left standing.

Meanwhile, the IDF is now bombing Syria on a daily basis

Israeli attacks on Syria have become daily, and now the United States is ramping up its own attacks in the northeast of the country as well.

On Thursday Israeli warplanes launched attacks on two residential buildings in the Damascus suburbs – one in Mazzeh and the other in Qudsaya, which lies west of the capital. Regional reports said that many people were killed, and Syrian state SANA posted photos of bombed-out apartments.

Israeli Army Radio in a rare acknowledgement appeared to confirm the Israeli attack while claiming the fresh attacks targeted the Syrian headquarters the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) group, which is fighting alongside Hamas in Gaza, and has held Israeli citizens captive since Oct.7, 2023.

We really are on the brink of an uncontrollable regional war in the Middle East, and it should deeply alarm all of us that Turkey has decided to officially cut off all relations with Israel

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Turkey has officially severed relations with Israel, according to reports in Turkish media.

News outlet Medya Ege reported Erdogan to have said, “We, as the State and Government of the Republic of Turkey, have cut off relations with Israel. We do not have any relationship with Israel at this point. Period.”

This is such a dangerous time.

Donald Trump will not take office for more than two months, and nobody in the Middle East really cares what the lame duck Biden administration has to say at this point.

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