Proof The Studies Are Correct About Liberals Being Crazy – After A Steady Diet Of MSM Fake News About Trump, Women Are Shaving Their Heads And Plotting Death For Trump Supporting Men


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

For years we have reported on multiple studies showing that white liberals suffer from mental illness more than any other demographic. Over half of young white liberal women were given a mental health diagnosis, which is more than double the amount of conservatives that have been given a mental health diagnosis.

Then we have other researchers finding that depression runs rampant throughout the liberal portion of the Democrat party, which these days, is the majority of the party.


American adults who identify as politically liberal have long reported lower levels of happiness and psychological well-being than conservatives, a trend that mental-health experts suspect is at least partly explained by liberals’ tendency to spend more time worrying about stress-inducing topics like racial injustice, income inequality, gun violence, and climate change.

Basically “social justice warriors” (SJW), those constantly looking for something to be offended by, or angry at, see the highest levels of depression.

Then we get to certain issues, such as young “progressive” women find high dissatisfaction with how women are treated in the U.S., while 70% of conservative women reported they were satisfied with how women are treated in America.

These feelings are especially pronounced among progressive women. In a survey we released this year, we found that young liberal women expressed the greatest feelings of discontent with the treatment of women in the US. Less than one in three (32 percent) young liberal women said they were satisfied with how women fare in American society. In contrast, 44 percent of young liberal men, and 70 percent of young conservative women, report being satisfied with how women are treated in American society.

In my mind, the media has much responsibility for those feelings among young liberal women, as the MSM is constantly claiming women’s rights are under attack, and liberals are the most likely to be reading those leftist publications, and have high levels of trust in the media, while conservatives have a much lower level of trust in anything the media reports.

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