Prepare For TEOTWAWKI: When Ukraine Fires The First U.S. Missile Into Russia, America Will Be ‘A Direct Party To The Conflict,’ Opening The United States Up To A Direct Attack By Russia


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Without the election on the horizon and instead in our rear view mirror, the Biden regime has nothing holding them back from dragging the U.S. into a direct war with Russia, which is exactly what is happening as reports show the block of Ukraine being allowed to use U.S. missiles inside of Ukraine, is being lifted.

Russia maintains that this latest development is throwing “oil on a fire,” which is an apt description.

Here are the bullet points from Reuters:

• Decision comes after months of resistance from Washington


• Shift may aid Ukraine’s negotiating position

• It is unclear if Trump will reverse Biden’s decision once in office

• Russia warns of escalation if limits on US weapons use are loosened

First and foremost the “resistance in Washington” came from those within the White House that didn’t want to take us into a direct war while Biden was still in office, but more importantly because to have done so before the election would have guaranteed to Trump victory.

He won, so all bets are off now and those controlling the White House decision-making want to leave World War III on Trump’s doorstep.

Reuters being left-leaning attempts to use quotes from “U.S. officials and a source familiar with the decision,” in order to justify this escalation of war, not just between Russia and Ukraine, but by taking America into direct conflict by allowing U.S. weapons to strike within Russia.

Via Washington Post (an archived link since Wapo is behind a paywall):

Vladimir Putin has warned that allowing U.S. weapons to strike inside Russia would make America a direct party to the conflict.

Direct party to the conflict, meaning retaliation won’t just be taken on Ukraine for using them, but there would be ramifications to the U.S., directly.

As seen on Steve Quayle’s website, back in September, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that he would use nuclear weapons if a “mass enemy missile or UAV,” crosses into Russian territory.

Anyone thinking that Putin was bluffing, needs their head examined. Russia has not been in this war for years just to casually take a direct act of war, which is what the U.S. allowing Ukraine to use American missiles inside Russia is, without massive retaliation.

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