Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rules Election Fraud by Democrats Must Stop


by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Pennsylvania officials have admitted willingly counting illegal ballots. It’s time to prosecute.

State Supreme Court Rules Against Fraud

Please consider State Supreme Court: Incorrectly Filed Ballots Will Not Be Counted in PA Senate Race Recount.


With a recount ensuing, incumbent State Senator Bob Casey argued that undated or misdated mail-ins should be allowed to count. However, on Nov. 18, the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court ruled that they will not.

In a statement presented to the court, Judge Kevin Brobson says “I write to disabuse local elections officials of the notion that they have the authority to ignore Election Code provisions that they believe are unconstitutional.”

This stems from Bucks County officials voting against the advice of their solicitor to count undated and misdated mail-in ballots. Bucks County Democrat Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia had some bold claims in response to this ruling.

“I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country and people violate laws anytime they want,” Ellis-Marseglia said. “So for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want the court to pay attention to it.”

Woefully Insufficient

The Supreme Court order is woefully insufficient.

In addition to no further counting, all illegally counted ballots need to be removed. If that did not happen, we need to start over.

However, Republican Dave McCormick is ahead by 18,000 votes and that’s too big to steal.

One of the worst aspects of this will be the “I told you so comments”. But Shenanigans like this did not cost Trump the election in 2020. The margins then, as as now, were too big to steal.

But comments like those of Ellis-Marseglia will inflame the “Stop the Steal” sentiment, and justifiably so.

Time to Prosecute

Regardless of how one feels about the 2020 election, and this one, the one and only way to stop this kind of purposeful fraud is to prosecute these cases to the fullest extent of the law.

Ellis-Marseglia is begging to be tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail for her actions. And that is my recommendation. She wants publicity, so let her have it from a prison cell.

In addition, we seriously need to re-think mail-in ballots for multiple reasons.

Ironically, we may end up giving thanks to Ellis-Marseglia, hopefully in her jail cell, for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that we need national election reform.

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