Now Germany Has a Green Electricity Outage With Huge Consequences


by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

No sun. No wind. Hello Germany, care to rethink your Green New Deal?

A Huge Green Outage

Welt Business (translated from German, paywalled) reports Now Germany is experiencing a green electricity outage – with huge consequences

“The foggy weather of the last few days has brought green electricity production to a virtual standstill. Not only have particularly climate-damaging power plants been brought into operation as a replacement for wind and solar power, but prices have also exploded. And all of this seems to be just a foretaste of winter.”


Dark Doldrums

H/T @hendrikotten3 @JulienReszka @cristoforestman @MichaelAArouet @hagentc

The Green Old Scare

The common sense approach is to replace coal with nuclear and natural gas. Also, transition with hybrids instead of EV mandates.

Since we are decades behind on nuclear because of the “Green Old Scare”, the sensible option is to phase out coal for natural gas and then nuclear because of the lead times in building a nuclear plant.

Instead, Germany, with thanks to an idiotic decision dating to Chancellor Angela Merkel, chose to get rid of nuclear with no viable alternative.

When that failed, Germany had needed to import energy from France but also neighboring countries that produced energy with coal, and the dirtiest coal at that.

How stupid can you get?

Greens Trounced in Elections

Greens were hammered in the European Parliament elections, in French elections, and in three German state elections.

But did that change the policies of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyden?

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