Now Biden Says to Lower the Temperature


from Moonbattery:

Just a few days ago, Joe Biden was calling Trump supporters garbage and snarling through gritted teeth that he wants to smack us in the ass. Yet in the aftermath of Trump’s landslide victory, he sanctimoniously croaks:

“Something I hope we can do no matter who you voted for is see each other not as adversaries but as fellow Americans. Bring down the temperature.”

Tough luck, creepy Joe. The temperature is not coming down — and the long knives are out for you. Don’t worry about the Trump supporters you treated with such belligerent disrespect; worry about your fellow Democrats. From lefty Politico:


Democrats are directing their rage over losing the presidential race at Joe Biden, who they blame for setting up Kamala Harris for failure by not dropping out sooner. …

According to interviews with nearly a dozen officials and party operatives, Biden squandered valuable months only to end in disaster on the debate stage. And by the time he decided to pass the torch, he had saddled Harris with too many challenges and far too little time to build a winning case for herself.

Since when did Biden decide to pass the torch? More likely it was pried out of his death grip.

Waiting for the last minute to spring Comrade Cackles on us, without subjecting her to a primary that she would likely lose, could have been a deliberate strategy. The shadowy forces controlling the party may have counted on the media to hype her into electability before people figured out what they were being told to vote for. As Politico spins it,

The candidate switch in July generated a fresh surge of enthusiasm with voters and appeared to instantly reset the race, bolstering the theory that she could eke out a win against an opponent as divisive as Trump.

But people caught on in time, so now they blame Biden. It couldn’t be the fault of running a radical left DEI candidate with the political skills of an autistic hyena; Cackala ran a “perfect campaign” according to a propagandist for the liberal media, which with any luck will sink to the bottom of the ocean along with it.

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