No Wake for the Woke


by J.B. Shurk, American Thinker:

Democrats will learn nothing from their electoral drubbing.  If they were capable of self-reflection and intellectual growth, they would not need “safe spaces” or social media platforms dedicated to mass censorship.  When you are so afraid of dissent that you feel psychologically compelled to label all contrary opinions as “hate speech,” you are not a fully functioning adult willing to process new information and adapt accordingly.  You are a toddler whose reflexive instinct is to cry, scream, and call everyone a “poopy head” when you don’t get your way.


We have seen the “poopy head” routine play out on cable television for weeks.  Democrat operatives tell their dwindling viewing audience that they lost the election because of “disinformation,” racism, and misogyny.  Americans are just too “stupid” and “deplorable” to be trusted with the vote.  The country is a MAGA junkyard filled with “garbage” human beings.

The hyperventilating harpies of The View insist that Kamala Harris ran a “perfect campaign.”  If anyone is to blame for her loss, the formaldehyde femmes explain, it is the news media.  “Journalists” should have used all their airtime reminding Americans that President Trump is “literally Hitler.”  You see, America, Democrats didn’t lose because they’re stark raving mad!  They lost because of bad “messaging”!

What’s the answer for their woe?  Isn’t it obvious?  The Democrat party must simply double down on its “winning” policy agenda!  America’s borders must be made even less secure so that narco-terrorists, sex-slavers, and foreign soldiers can operate more freely across the continent.  Congress must waste trillions more on impractical “green energy” schemes and limit the domestic production of oil and natural gas.  We must have more inflation, crime, and illegal immigration until Americans are willing to admit that they’ve never had it so good!

Now is the time for the government to embrace “transgenderism” as a state religion.  We must punish faithful Americans who believe in biological reality.  We must promote more military men in high heels and skirts.  We must have more drag shows for elementary school kids.  We must have more child-grooming, adolescent genital mutilation, and prepubescent sterilization.  We must have more men beating up women in sports.  We must have more pronouns.  We must be less judgmental of pedophiles and more willing to put children in harm’s way.  We must be more accepting of dangerous delusions.  Inclusivity demands it!

Americans must redefine censorship as free speech.  We must ban all commentary Democrats don’t like as “harmful disinformation.”  We must demand more “woke” indoctrination.  We must hire more Democrat prosecutors, IRS agents, and FBI storm troopers willing to imprison Americans for their unapproved beliefs.  The First Amendment must be reinterpreted as protecting only State-sanctioned speech.  Until Americans are intimidated into silence, we can never truly be free!

Now that’s a winning political platform!  Who wouldn’t want to be part of the “progressive” movement for higher costs, less liberty, and abject dependency on the State?  It’s as Hillary Clinton asked back in 2016: with this kind of policy agenda, how could any Democrat not be fifty points ahead?

We know how.  Democrat delusions don’t match Americans’ everyday reality.  Americans do not need a medical degree to understand that men are biologically different from women.  They do not need an MBA to appreciate that everything costs more today than when Biden and Harris first came to office.  They do not need a law degree to recognize that Democrat prosecutors, a corrupt Department of Justice, and partisan judges are persecuting half of America for their personal beliefs.  They do not need a journalism degree to recognize that corporate news “reporters” have become nothing but propagandists for the State.  They do not need the Department of Homeland Security to release accurate border records or for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to release accurate crime statistics.  Americans can see with their own two eyes that mass illegal immigration and rising violent crime have made their hometowns unsafe.

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