Liberal Establishmentarians Push Preposterous Lie


from Moonbattery:

It is sad what Trump derangement syndrome can do to the minds and souls of those who succumb to it. Yet I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for moonbats like liberal establishment toady Jonah Goldberg. Here’s what he said after Trump accused Liz Cheney of being a chickenhawk:

”[Trump is] saying quite explicitly and unambiguously that Liz Cheney should be shot, should be executed by firing squad. That is appalling. That is a small facet of the reasons why he’s unfit for office, and the Republican Party has made a disastrous mistake. … Let’s execute a political opponent, who happens to be a woman, because I don’t like her.”

Goldberg never heard Trump say this because Trump did not say it. Goldberg’s flat out lie was disgraceful even by CNN standards.


After it blew up in his face, he backed down slightly by sniffing, “I let my disgust at Trump’s comments get the better of me as this was the first time I’d heard them.”

Incredibly, his fellow Dispatch weenie Stephen Hayes is not backing down:

Evidently the idea is that voters won’t realize Trump did not really threaten Liz Cheney until after Tuesday. It would be nice to think that only in a TDS fever swamp like the Dispatch would anyone resort to such tactics in an attempt to swing an election. But other liberal establishment propagandists have been willing to stoop comparably low.

More immediately alarming are the people with direct political power willing to exploit the lie that Trump called for Liz Cheney to be killed. Arizona’s left-wing attorney general is actually considering criminal charges:

Kris Mayes, a Democrat, told a local TV station that Trump’s comments may have violated state law against death threats, raising concerns among Republicans over free speech.

These concerns are well justified in light of Democrat efforts to criminalize political opposition.

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