In Anticipation Of A Trump Win Today, High-Tech Metal Security Fences Go Up Around Washington DC To Protect Against Looting And Rioting From Democrats


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Washington DC is gearing up for potential chaos following Election Day as authorities assembled barriers around government buildings – including the vice president’s residence – and business owners boarded up storefronts over the weekend.

Remember back in 2016 when Donald Trump, against all odds, win the presidential election against the mainstream media champion Hillary Clinton? Remember all the riots, lootings, burnings and protests that took place at the hands of disgruntled Democrats? Well, the vibe on the street is that Donald Trump is the likely winner in today’s election, and metal security fences and plywood barricades are going up as you read this to protect against the expected Liberal assaults.


Anything could happen today, only the LORD knows how it’s all going to shake out, and when it’s all over we could easily have Kamala Harris as president as we could Donald Trump, but it feels like Trump will be the winner. The Deep State and the mainstream media have spent billions in positive articles, stories, videos and campaign coverage to make you want to vote for Kamala, just like they did for Hillary 8 years ago. All of that done in an attempt to disguise the deep dislike and distrust that the average America has of Kamala Harris. If you haven’t voted yet, get out there and do it, and when you do, vote for the kind of America you want to live in. If you want a lot of abortion, vote Kamala, if you want a lot less abortion, vote Trump. If you want high prices, vote Kamala, if you remember the former prosperity, vote Trump. If you enjoyed watching the disastrous and deadly pullout from Afghanistan, vote Kamala, if you enjoyed no wars from 2016 to 2020, vote Trump. The differences could not be clearer, so vote for the kind of America you want to live in.

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