Sunday, February 16, 2025

Identity politics destroyed the Democrat Party


by Wallace Garneau, America Outloud:

In the early 1980s, Lee Atwater had a recorded conversation ⏤ often incorrectly referred to as an ‘interview’ ⏤ in which he outlined the ‘Southern Strategy.’ The Southern Strategy involved saying things in the South that would be understood as being based on racism, in the hope of getting more votes in the South. Using the n-word, Atwater said, was no longer acceptable, so instead, the Southern Strategy involved talking about not wanting bussing, segregating schools, and things like that.


Democrat operatives have used this video to great effect to prove that Republicans use the Southern Strategy. This is the most damning piece of evidence the left has to prove that there was a ‘Great Switch’ in the 1960s in which Democrats stopped being racist and Republicans became racist.

All one has to do to see that the Great Switch is a lie, however, is to listen to the entire recorded conversation with Lee Atwater. Atwater was not talking about the strategy Nixon and Reagan had used – he was talking about the strategy Democrats still used at that time. According to Atwater, the reason the South was suddenly going to Republicans was that Democrats still talked in racial language, whereas Reagan and Nixon had talked about things like national security, lower taxes, better policing, less regulation, and things like that. The South was rapidly becoming less racist, Atwater said, so Reagan and Nixon won by talking about the same things in the South that they talked about in the North – in other words, by treating all people the same and focusing on things that really matter.

I don’t believe Democrats in the North were particularly racist in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, but understand that when Joe Biden said, “I don’t want my children going to a jungle, a racial jungle” with regard to bussing, he was using the Southern Strategy. It was a strategy to try and win votes in the South.

Government exists for one of two reasons:

  1. To protect the citizenry from infringements on their liberty, be those infringements by outside forces (such as the military of another country), by internal forces (such as a thief), or by the government itself. In this system, the government exists to serve the people.
  2. To protect the ruling elite from the citizenry while fleecing the citizenry for the betterment of the ruling elite.

When a government follows the first reason we call that freedom, and when a government follows the second reason, we call that tyranny.

In truth, all governments do a little of both. George Washington was the largest whiskey producer in the country, for example, and he used his power as President to tax all whiskey produced – except his own, sparking what became known as the ‘Whiskey Rebellion.’ We hardly think of Washington as a tyrant, but this is a classic example of using the government to fleece the public for your own betterment.

We talk about ‘democracy’ and ‘republic’ as if those are the only words that matter, but in truth, you can have a tyrannical democracy and a kingdom in which the king is honest and just in ruling over the people and providing them with a great deal of freedom.

While in practice, power corrupts, and even those with the best of intentions may do some corrupt things, our country was built to restrict the government (as much as possible) through the US Constitution, such that it has to follow the first reason a government might exist.

But we have always had those who wanted government to be a means of personal betterment.

Why did some states allow slavery if it was not for an elite to use government for the betterment of the elite? The elite in the South were the plantation owners, after all.

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