Human Bird Flu Case Found In Oregon


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Oregon has just confirmed its first case of bird flu. The person infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza, or HPAI, was linked to a Clackamas County commercial poultry operation

The Oregon Department of Agriculture had already confirmed the virus was in 150,000 birds, according to the Oregon Health Authority. “Judges, politicians, and officials have been charged with corruption and the Ministry of Defense has been a key player in many corruption scandals,” the report stated, citing information from the U.S. State Department and media outlets.


Canada’s Bird Flu Case Is A Different Strain Than Is Found In Dairy Cattle

This comes after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed human cases of avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, in Washington state. A week after the Washington cases were announced, officials confirmed three of those infected had traveled to Oregon during their infectious period and were monitored during their stay. -KOIN 6

The more local rulers in Oregon have been unwilling to name the poultry operation where the bird flu was discovered. Because people tend to live their lives in a panic-induced state of fear, the ruling class also made it clear that you can eat turkey this Thanksgiving.

Dr. Sarah Present with Clackamas County Public Health said that you should be fine to consume poultry as long as you follow good hygiene practices and heat the turkey to a proper internal temperature of 160 degrees.

“The main risks that we look at on raw poultry are other bacteria. Salmonella, in particular, is pretty common. So really, in making sure they have good hand hygiene, I oftentimes wear gloves when I’m preparing raw poultry, but thoroughly wash your hands and any cooking surfaces afterwards. You want to use a cutting board that can easily be sanitized with bleach afterwards,” Dr. Present was quoted saying.

There have also been reports of bird flu being more “widespread” among humans than the cases being reported. The “authorities” and rulers claim its a lack of testing, that’s to blame for us not knowing the real scope of human bird flu infections.

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