How the U.S. Government & Its Colonies Deceive Their Public


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Ever since 25 July 1945, the U.S. Government has had, as its #1 objective, to take control ultimately over all other countries (“hegemony”); and its main targets to conquer have been the world’s largest country, which is Russia, and then the world’s most populous country, which has been China. In order to do this, the U.S. regime needed to deceive their public to believe that ‘freedom and democracy’ were what they spread around the world by their coups and invasions, but most of their successful “regime-changes” actually replaced popularly elected democratic Governments, such as Mossadegh in Iran, Arbenz in Guatemala, and Allende in Chile, by imposing there instead decades-long murderous military dictatorships such as The Shah in Iran, a long succession of brutal juntas in Guatemala, and the fascist (Milton Friedman acolyte and propagandist for ‘freedom’) Pinochet in Chile.


The deceits by the U.S. regime and its colonies, have enabled the U.S. regime to impoverish, torture, and murder, millions of people throughout the world, extracting wealth from the conquered countries for America’s billionaires, all the while pretending to be “a force for good in the world.”

I have previously documented how the U.S. regime grabbed Ukraine in a brutal February 2014 coup (pumped by them as being instead a ‘democratic revolution’) that it had been planning ever since June of 2011, and promptly turned that previously democratically led internationally neutralist country into a U.S.-imposed rabidly anti-Russian stooge-regime which quickly began an ethnic-cleansing campaign to get rid of the people who had voted for the neutralist Ukrainian President that the U.S. regime had replaced. This subjugation of Ukraine to the U.S. empire led ultimately to Russia’s 24 February 2022 (as the U.S. regime and its colonies call it) ‘unprovoked’ invasion of Ukraine; and, now, after over $400 billion in U.S.-and-‘allied’ taxpayer-purchased armaments and other assistance to the U.S.-imposed Ukrainian regime so as to defeat Russia with Ukrainian troops and U.S.-and-‘allied’ weapons and satellite intelligence, this imperialistic-expansion operation by the U.S. regime is finally going down to defeat just like its previous ones in Vietnam and Afghanistan did; and, so, the story here has been well continued by Glenn Diesen at RT News on November 3rd, right up till the present. His account describes the change in the U.S.-and-allied liars’ “narrative” about the war in Ukraine, so as to ease their fools into gradual acceptance of the by-now inevitable defeat in Ukraine of the U.S. empire, by Russia, in the battlefields of Ukraine, with Ukrainian troops and U.S.-and-allied armaments and training; and so Diesen’s account of this change-of-‘narrative” is presented below [along with my added comments to it, in brackets]:

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