by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

(Today is Thanksgiving week in what was once the USA, and accordingly I will be “squishing” all of this week’s blogs into Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. We will return to our normal schedule for the first half of December, after which both Daniel and I will be taking some much-needed time off until after the new year, so please continue to check the schedule. We wish everyone very safe travels for the Thanksgiving holiday and good times with your families and friends.)

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Ever since the Russian missile attack on Dnepropetrovsk in the Ukraine, I’ve been receiving emails from various regular readers of and contributors to this website asking me what I think about it. Usually these emails have been accompanied by the videos of the attack, asking me if what is seen on the videos is evidence of some sort of exotic technology. Here’s RT’s presentation and comment on the video:

Medvedev reacts to VIDEO of hypersonic missile strike

As a result of all these emails and interest in my high octane speculation about the strike, I’ve decided to start this week’s blogs not with my usual fare of commenting about an article that someone has sent, but rather to offer my thoughts about this strike, and why I think it was one of the clearest messages Russia could possibly send to the West, and why it seems in my opinion to be completely misunderstood by the West. After all, we’re also watching stories emerge of Finland, Sweden, Germany and other European nations “preparing” their populations for war, with the usual unstated proposition that any such war will automatically be nuclear.

It’s this that has me concerned in part, for after years of allowing “wokery” to spread in their militaries while sumultaneously gutting the size of their conventional arms and the logistical infrastructure to support those conventional arms in any contest with peer powers like Russia or China, the West has limited the spectrum of its effective conventional responses such that any such response must start with large conventional weapons and escalate from there, hence the USSA’s recent decision to allow the criminal Zelensky government to fire American and British long rang missiles into Russian territory.

Mr. Putin warned that any such development would be responded to, and here we are, mere days after the Russian missile was fired at Dnepropetrovsk.  Make no mistake, this was both a response, and a message to the West, a message that I fear has already been profoundly misinterpreted.

The misinterpretation begins by observing that most commentators have pointed out that the missile that was fired was (1) a test, and more importantly, (2) carried only conventional warheads, even though the missile can carry nuclear warheads. But there is a third issue that some have raised, particularly in the emails I received: (3) there is not one incoming track, but several. It is this feature that has led some people to question whether they are looking at a missile strike at all, but rather at something “exotic” being called a missile by the Russian authorities.

So herewith my high octane speculation, which I begin by noting that I am not a veteran of any military service anywhere, and hence, have no expertise in military operations or ordnance whatsoever. That said, my first reaction upon seeing the video was that the incoming tracks and distant explosions were similar to the types of attacks one might see from World War Two rocket artillery, like the Soviet Katyushas (nicknamed Stalin’s organ pipes by the Germans), or the German Nebelwerfer (nicknamed “screeming meamies” by the Allied troops unlucky enough to undergo a barrage). In short, there was nothing remarkable, at least to me, by the multiple tracks visible in the video. If there is anything remarkable about these tracks, it is that they seem to be the result of one or two missiles, that is, one intermediate range missile had multiple re-entry vehicle warheads which, when the video is examined carefully, appear to have been individually targeted as such warheads can be. 

But why “waste” such a MIRVed missile on mere conventional warheads?

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