Harris Supporters Already Getting Violent In 2024 – After Nine Years Of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Incitement To Violence By Liberal Media Guarantees Blood in The Streets If Trump Wins On November 5


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Two quick flashback links before getting into the current reports, in order to remind those reading what has already happened, showing that it is not hyperbole to predict massive violence, threats and harassment from the left should Donald Trump beat Kamala Harris in the Tuesday, November 5, 2024 presidential election.

The two following links cover random acts by Democrats against Trump supporters from 2015 through 2020.

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters

Nolte – Rap Sheet: **389** Media-Approved Hate Crimes Against Trump Supporters

More than a thousand document and linked reports, and nine years later, the hatred of Trump, also referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), has grown exponentially among Democrats and so-called “NeverTrumpers.”

We have already seen media/Democrat incited multiple assassination attempts against Trump himself, and now the threats and violence continue against his supporters.

Make no mistake, the actions of the people are their own, and they are responsible for them, but when you mix TDS, nine years of it, with constant claims that Trump is a “Nazi,” will be a “dictator,” lies about him threatening a “firing squad” against his opponents, and false assertions that he will jail those against him, you have an atmosphere ripe for violence, threats and harassment.

First, proof of my assertions.

MSNBC spliced a Trump rally with Nazi rally clips into coverage of his Madison Square Garden rally.

MSNBC used Nazi rally clips during its coverage of former President Donald Trump’s historic campaign event at Madison Square Garden in a desperate last-ditch bid to frighten voters into supporting the floundering Democratic ticket.

The left-wing network weaved archival footage from the 1939 Nazi rally into the broadcast of Trump’s Sunday rally, which saw the iconic New York City venue packed to the rafters with jubilant supporters.

“That jamboree happening right now, in that place, is particularly chilling, because in 1939, more than 20,000 supporters of a different fascist leader – Adolf Hitler – packed the Garden for a so-called ‘pro-America rally,’” Washington Post columnist, MSNBC contributor and avowed Trump hater Jonathan Capehart said breathlessly while rolling the footage.

More Nazi and fascists references from liberal news outlets and Democrats against Donald Trump:

Trump and GOP repeatedly echo Nazi and far-right ideology as they aim to retake White House

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