Government Secret UAP Program –They’re Using UFO Free Energy Technology!


by Paul Philips, Activist Post:

Because of the current energy crisis, we know that a vast number of citizens struggle to make ends meet with forever increasing energy bills. This energy crisis has ultimately been caused by power-hungry politicians tied into Big Oil, greed-based energy corporations making record profits, and special interest groups.

Further, the related self-serving governments involved don’t want you to know about certain highly effective alternative energy technologies. Alternative energy technologies don’t fit into the politically driven greed-based system because there are no gains to be made, and if allowed, would indeed severely undercut the currently thriving energy businesses.


Saddest thing is, many don’t know about these alternative energy technologies that have not seen the light of day in mainstream due to their coverup and suppression.

If these hidden, suppressed, extremely cheap, non-invasive, non-toxic, alternative energy technologies had been embraced and allowed to flourish there would be planetary transformation.

Imagine what our society would look like now as a consequence of this free energy for everyone, living in a new, advanced civilization!

Yes, there are non-fossil fuel alternative energies currently getting implemented and developed, such as the push for solar energy, wind turbines and electric cars… However, these developing renewables only contribute to a relatively low percentage of total energy output.

Energy sources, such as solar and wind, rely on natural gas to support them. Electric cars rely on hydrocarbon diesel generators to charge them. -A far cry from being sound and solid alternatives. So flawed, it’s all a big con.

UFO Free Energy Technology

Government Secret UAP Program –They’re Using UFO Free Energy Technology!

Not so long ago, there was a major congressional hearing entitled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Exposing the Truth.” The subject during this over 2 hours long Committee Oversight and Accountability explosive hearing was regarding detailed, graphic evidence for UFO activity and the recovery of UFO technology that the U.S government has in its possession.

One aspect that transpired from these discussions was the subject of recovered UFO free energy technology: How alien craft travels using zero-point energy as a means of extracting free energy from the ether (the atmosphere).

The point is that the energy produced from this technology is free! It has been known and used in secrecy in conjunction with the US government and their associates quite for some time.

Consider the implications.

Will Congress, now under pressure, decide to make it mandatory to release the numerous detailed color videos of land, air and water locations of UFO sightings? When put to use the UFO free energy technology has incredible capabilities. It has been said that it can be used for traveling faster than the speed of light…

However, it’s unlikely that the public will be privy to this technology: The public won’t be able to step into transport systems that will take them to wherever they want to go in the world, in no time at all, based on a system that doesn’t cost anything.

At least not in the meantime. As already mentioned, those in the know, the government and their associates, are too busy making huge gains from conventional energy charges.

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