Election Day Is Not the Finish Line


by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

Here’s a fun thought: There are only 1462 days until Election Day 2028. Don’t forget to book your hotel to attend the inauguration on January 20, 2029 now to get the early bird special.

I’m kidding, of course, so please come in off the window ledge. That being said, if you think tonight is the finish line, or a finish line of any sort, you are sorely mistaken. There are no finish lines in politics, only checkpoints. That’s all tonight is, and it is very important.

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I cannot stress this enough – the checkpoints matter. Each of them. Elections will never fix all the problems, sometimes they won’t fix many or any, but what they can do it is stop things from getting worse. When Republicans win, problems stop getting worse. From there, they can be made better.

No matter what happens, the elbows you’ve sharpened over the last few years will come in handy. They can be jabbed into Democrats if they win and try to do horrible things, and they will try to do horrible things. They can also be driven into the sides of Republicans who, if they win, may drag their feet on doing good things because doing those good things are hard or risky to their reelection.

I get that it might be demoralizing to hear this, but no matter who wins this election, or whenever we learn who wins, the fight does not end. I not only tell you this to keep you engaged, no matter which way it goes, I tell you this because I don’t want you to be surprised by the reality that is coming next.

If Kamala Harris wins, she will push to grant amnesty to every illegal alien in the country or planning to break in. She will move as quickly as possible to get illegals on the path to voting for Democrats because she won’t stand a chance at reelection without them. This isn’t the “great replacement theory,” this is flooding the zone to overwhelm the rolls.

Read More @ Townhall.com