ELECTION CLUSTERF*CK! Everyone knows who’s gonna win because…..


from State Of The Nation:

…because only a Trump victory would guarantee the necessary gravity and enormity of the continuing clusterfuck marked by maximum chaos, confusion
and conflict needed to set the stage for
their American Bolshevik Revolution.

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However, that doesn’t mean the bankster-directed Democrats won’t do everything in their power to steal the POTUS as a means of adding fuel to the fire of post-election chaos and pandemonium.

What else needs to be said in this regards as the communist-conducted crescendo builds; rather, as it is deliberately intensified by the hour?

Facing Trump Landslide Too Big to Rig, Democrats Have
Resorted to Sabotaging Election Process With Hack Attacks,
Fraudulent Ballots, And Voter Intimidation

While Infowars did a great job above delineating the NWO strategy to morph the 2024 electoral process into the a mega “ELECTION DISRUPTION NIGHTMARE”, they neglected to go a step further with this punchline:

Coming to a city or town near you.
World War I, 1917 Bolshevik Revolution & 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic blueprint

The very same powers and perps behind the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 are using a similar playbook to transform the USA into the USSA where “A” stands for Amerika.

Which means that there is a communist plot afoot to overthrow the U.S. Federal Government using a 3-pronged strategy.  The first prong entails irreparably tearing the fabric of American society via the devastating agenda of Cultural Marxism which has been implemented in earnest since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

The second prong of performing a stealthy take over of the US government began with the election of Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama.  The same takeover scheme was executed with with all deliberate speed after Donald Trump was elected with the subsequent 4 year long soft coup which followed to include the 2020 POTUS election theft.

The third prong is the violent overthrow of the American Republic via a full-blown color revolution directed by the U.S. Intelligence Community and fully supported by the U.S. Armed Forces and other major organs of the Federal Government.  This long planned and highly organized American Bolshevik Revolution is the key piece in the New World Order agenda which is following the same stealthy pattern of border invasions by illegal aliens that the European Union has undergone over many years.

Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co