Do We Still Have to Pretend the 2020 Election Was ‘Free and Fair’?


by Jack Cashill, American Thinker:

The 2020 Presidential election shared a problem with the 1998 MLB home run race: the winning candidate did too well. In 1998, steroid juicer Mark McGwire broke Roger Maris’s home run record by nine home runs or roughly 15 percent.

In 2020, Joe Biden’s 81 million votes broke Barack Obama’s 2008 record 69 million votes by 12 million votes or roughly 17 percent. Obama’s 2008 numbers were anomalous. Hillary Clinton’s 2016 numbers were closer to the norm, and Biden got nearly 25 percent more votes than she did, a cool 16 million additional votes when finally counted.


Campaigning from his basement, this cognitively-challenged, charisma-free codger did much too well in 2020, and now even the Left is noticing. With virtually all the 2024 presidential election votes counted, Kamala Harris’s vote total remains roughly seven million votes shy of Biden’s ballot box-busting performance in 2020.

In trying to explain the differential, Michael Bender of the New York Times hinted at the truth. Wrote Bender, “[S]ome backsliding could be expected after the record turnout in 2020, which was aided by pandemic rule changes that increased mail voting.” You think?

As should be expected, Bender chose not to pursue this line of thinking to its natural end. If he had, he might have asked why only the Democrats seemed to have been aided in 2020 “by pandemic rule changes.” President-elect Donald Trump did not “backslide” in 2024. He upped his 2020 vote total by about two million.

In 2024, with life back to something like normal, Harris was denied the performance-enhancing juice that propelled Biden in 2020. That juice was formidable. The convenient arrival of COVID gave the Democrats a rationale for dismantling the safeguards against voter fraud in state after state.

Some 39 states changed their election laws prior to the 2020 election. That was unprecedented. What was unconstitutional was that many of them did so without legislative approval. In several states, the courts, electoral officials, and health honchos exploited the media-driven COVID panic to assume this right for themselves. The Republicans responded with lawsuits, but the courts could not or would not respond in a timely fashion.

The mail-in process, much of it improvised, was subject to considerable mischief. In 2005, co-chair of the Commission on Federal Election Reform, former president Jimmy Carter made this very clear, Fraud occurs in several ways,” Carter and his colleagues concluded. Absentee ballots remain the largest source of voter fraud.”

These problems were not theoretical. The commission cited case after case in which these practices had occurred and even affected outcomes.

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