Choice of globalist water boy John Thune as Senate Majority Leader a slap in the face to 73 million Trump voters


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Barely a week after Trump wins landslide victory and a seemingly impressive mandate, globalist neocons pick a Mitch McConnell clone as the new Senate Majority Leader

It really is true. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was a thorn in Donald Trump’s side during his first term as the 45th POTUS. And now, McConnell and his globalist neocon collaborators in the U.S. Senate have made sure Trump encounters the same type of resistance in his second term by choosing Senator John Thune, Republican of South Dakota, as the new Senate Majority Leader.


Thune is a younger version of McConnell, through and through. Thune has never had anything but disdain for Trump.

Here he is in the video clip below saying how much he hoped some other Republican would emerge in the primaries to knock off Trump.

Thune has been fully on board with spending hundreds of billions of dollars we don’t have to fund foreign wars and revolutions around the world, from Ukraine to Israel to Syria to Libya to Somalia to Taiwan.

Thune is pretty much on board with unfettered immigration into the U.S., both legal and illegal, and the continued outsourcing of U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas.

McConnell can comfortably retire back home to Kentucky now, knowing he has one of his own proteges running things in the U.S. Senate.

Thune represents the same globalist interests in the military-industrial complex as his predecessor, McConnell. They are America-last in every facet of their governing perspective.

These are the same people who sold out the people to Gates, Fauci and the biopharma industry in 2020-2021; the same ones who let the J6r’s rot in prison for years; the same ones who have sent some $100 billion to Ukraine to fight an unwinnable war against a nuclear superpower; and the same ones who let Iran become a major Middle East power only so it could be pitted against Israel in another big war. Millions are dying and will die in these wars but the Wall Street friends of Thune-McConnell-Chuck Schumer-Lindsey Graham-Nancy Pelosi, et al, will continue to get rich on the blood of others.

It should be painfully obvious by now that the deep state has no fear of Donald Trump.

By choosing Thune to run the Senate they have totally disrespected Trump’s mandate delivered on November 5.

They must laugh at the very concept of the “will of the people.” If they gave two hoots about what voters wanted, they would have chosen Senator Rick Scott of Florida, a Trump loyalist, to run the Senate.

In fact, the globalists in the Washington Uniparty not only don’t fear Trump, they likely wanted Trump to be president for another four years. All the hate they tossed his way was mere posturing. Grandstanding.

Though they would never admit it, the deep state needs Donald Trump. Let me explain why.


They need him because he can accomplish some critical policy changes important to the globalist cause that a Democrat president could never get away with.

The deep state’s number one goal right now is to depose Putin, install a puppet government in Russia and steal that country’s vast resources.

In order to achieve that, they know they’ll need to fight and win a World War not only with Russia but with its allies — China, Iran and North Korea. They’re using Ukraine right now as a proxy, hoping to degrade Russia’s army as much as possible before the real war starts a few years down the road. The ultimate plan calls for NATO to engage Russia directly but neither the U.S. nor its NATO allies are ready for that just yet.

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