Biden Authorizes Starting World War III Before Trump Takes Office


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

I have been warning that our Computer has projected that war will continue and that the Neocons are traitors to the people of the United States and a threat to the entire world. Biden, the senile one, will sign anything put in front of him, and he is incompetent to be president. For that matter, so is Kamala. Both threaten the National Security of our nation and the world. Putin is justified to start attacking the United States directly. Since he knows Trump is coming, he will try to sit on his hands. God help us if the Russian Neocons overthrow Putin. There will be no stopping this.


The Russian Foreign Ministry recently came out reminding the collective West that allowing Ukraine to use west-supplied, long-range missiles to attack deep into the interior Russia would make the collective West “parties to the conflict” because those long-range missiles require satellites to guide them to target.  The Foreign Ministry reminded everyone that Ukraine does not HAVE any satellites. This is precisely what the Neocons are hoping for. Zelensky has abandoned defending the Donbas and switched to invade Russia on orders from the Neocons. They hoped Putin would attack anything in NATO. Now that Trump is president-elect and he has rejected all Neocons from his cabinet, they are desperate, and this is their next step to force Putin to attack anything so they can claim he started World War III when it has been the West under their control.

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The Neocon propaganda is that Biden has authorized the first use of U.S.-supplied long-range missiles by Ukraine to strike inside Russia and then claim it will only be for short-range in defense of Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region of western Russia, the officials said. Let’s face the truth. Ukraine cannot defeat Russia, and this is all a ploy to weaken Russia for the NATO invasion.

NATO_Defeat Russia_in_3_Days Adam Kinzinger

All the Neocons, from Dick Chaney and his daughter to Kinzinger, who claims NATO can defeat Russia in 3 days. They said the same BS about Iraq. These people think war is a game, and they have no regard for the lives lost to fulfill their thirst for war. Kiss your future goodbye and that of your children and grandchildren. These people should be dragged out of their offices in chains.

As one reader said, we need a little Game of Thrones to purge these people from our lives and mount their heads on spikes around the White House as a warning to these usurpers. They have usurped American foreign policy. They are all UNELECTED, so they do not represent the people of the United States. They should be hauled out of their hiding and charged with Treason.

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