Are the Presstitutes Final Days at Hand?


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

In a recent interview I was asked who would win the American presidential election.  In the US the definition of a “win” can easily be a Democrat theft. Over the many decades during which in former times Democrats represented the working class, the Democrats gained political control of the cities in which the working class resided.  This means Democrats preside over election procedures and what votes are cast and counted. 


I answered that the vote fraud mechanisms Democrats used in 2020 and 2022 in the swing states have now been legalized so that it is legal for the Democrats to steal the 2024 election.  Moreover, some states have made it illegal to require an ID to vote, and Democrat federal judges have tried to force Virginia and other states to include non-citizens on the voting rolls.

On this website I have reported many of the legalized theft mechanisms now in operation.  In the interview I noted that for theft to succeed, the election needed to be close, and that polls rigged by polling more Democrats than Republicans showed a close election.  In other words, the rigged polls are setting the stage for a theft.

But what if the election isn’t close?  Indeed, how can it be?  Lets acknowledge the three elements that weigh heavily against the Biden-Harris Democrat regime.

First the economy, always Americans’ main electoral focus.  The Biden lockdowns by blocking supply gave us inflation. To fight the inflation, we got high interest rates.  The impact on Americans of high inflation and high interest rates is dramatically negative.  Why would Americans vote for more of the same?

Second, the Biden-Harris regime has made it perfectly clear that it intends to keep America’s borders open until millions of immigrant-invaders turn America into a Tower of Babel with no national unity.  The sphere of safety for American citizens is shrinking.  Why would Americans vote for their dispossession?

Third, the wars.  The United States has been at war for the entirety of the 21st century for no national purpose.  Americans are not against wars as long as they win them, but when they lose–as in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Ukraine, they turn against the wars.  The Biden-Harris regime have given Americans a losing war in Ukraine. Why would Americans vote for a regime that gave their proud selves another war loss?

Given these demerits against Kamala, what are the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris regime?  There are none for everyday Americans. The accomplishments are only for the Woke leftwing ideologues: curtailments on free speech, use of law as a weapon against Trump and his supporters, normalization of sexual perversity, replacement of merit with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — that is, with unconstitutional privileges in violation of the 14th Amendment and the 1964 Civil Rights Act —  based on race, gender, and sexual preferences.  

The Biden-Harris regime has attempted a coup.  The Biden-Harris regime has done its best to overthrow America and to install a Sodom and Gomorrah Tower of Babel.  The November election will tell us how successful their coup has been. 

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