Yes, The Democrats Really ARE Panicking


by David Strom, Hot Air:

No, I am not going to make a “Red Wave” argument. I got caught up in the excitement in 2022 and got burned. It happens, but it shouldn’t happen to ME!

Kamala Harris CAN win, but you don’t have to be able to read the entrails of chickens or the scatterings of tea leaves to see that the campaign is panicking, and rightly so.

It is obvious to the meanest intelligence.


Kamala Harris’ only hopes are that: 1) women voters overperform so dramatically that their numbers offset the substantial loss of support in union voters, men, minorities, and generally sane people; and 2) that just enough people cannot stomach a return of Donald Trump to the Oval Office that they will hold their nose and vote for her despite her manifest flaws.

If you are doing well, you don’t run attack ads on marginal candidates, and the DNC is doing it despite never having done so before. Ever. Almost nobody knows Jill Stein is running, but the Democrats are so worried that they are looking for votes under the couch cushions.

Mark Halperin has been around the block a few times as a political reporter and is the guy who first reported–days before Biden got out of the race–that the decision to cede the nomination took place. His sources are impeccable, and he and his (Democrat and Republican) analysts all agree that Harris is in deep trouble.

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