What FEMA Blew the Money On Besides Illegal Aliens


from Moonbattery:

If FEMA is worse than useless during hurricanes, it isn’t because the moonbat bureaucrats in charge bestowed all the money upon illegal aliens. Some of the money went to promoting transgenderism and DEI:

In the last 2 years, FEMA spent nearly $2 million on a sole source contract with Montage Marketing Group to promote extremist LGBTQ and DEI agendas. …

Montage was hired to implement FEMA’s “Inclusive Diversity Council” and work with FEMA’s “employee resource groups” (ERGs) that focus on leftist social agendas, including an LGBT advocacy group simply called “Pride.” Montage was tasked with promoting the “Transgender Day of Remembrance” through graphic design and video production.

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Promoting degeneracy and sexual depravity may not be as important as displacing the American population with unlawful invaders from the Third World, but it takes priority over helping rural white people whose homes have washed away.

The federal level of incompetence could not be achieved without the help of DEI:

Another FEMA top priority is making sure they don’t have too many white people working in the agency, stating that diversity, equity, and inclusion is not optional. The FEMA director told Congress in 2023 the agency was adapting its recruiting efforts to hire “minorities.”

More social engineering:

FEMA further dictates to their employees that bathroom use must be based on a person’s self-identified sex, not biological sex, and employees must not misgender or fail to use a person’s preferred pronouns.

Reality itself takes a back seat to moonbat ideology, so victims of Helene and Milton shouldn’t take their abandonment personally.

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