We Are Less Ready For A Global War Than America Was In 1941


by Alan Halbert, American Thinker:

In 1941, America was asleep, only to be rudely awakened by Pearl Harbor. That attack galvanized the nation. Before then, FDR was doing what Democrats always do, a combination of wishful thinking, hubris, and reality denial. War does not allow that—or at least, winning a war does not.

Reality was even setting in before then. In 1939, after FDR and his cronies had meddled in the Depression economy for six years, leading to a depression within the Depression, Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau said that he and FDR wished they had not pumped so many dollars into the economy, for it ended up causing more problems than it cured, especially creating damaging inflation. In the end, they would have been wiser to follow the policies that Hoover started (and then abandoned under Democrat pressure) or, even better, to do what Coolidge did in 1920 when America experienced another financial crisis. Coolidge stayed the course so that the Depression of 1920 was short-lived. His campaign slogan was “Stay Cool with Coolidge.”

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FDR, inspired in part by Hitler’s accomplishments in Germany (which had an economy destroyed first by losing a war, second by having to pay off the victors’ debts, and third by endless revolutions), was the new breed of progressive Democrat who believed in aggressive government economic management. He created Social Security the WPA, price controls, and constant government spending (on everything but the military). The Supreme Court tried to curb this spending, only to back off when FDR threatened to pack the Court. (FDR didn’t manage to pack the Court, but the Court was gelded.)

Image by Andrea Widburg


For Roosevelt, WWII offered the opportunity to rebuild the economy through the war machine. The Biden administration’s lust for conflict, especially in Ukraine, seems to follow the same pattern.

While today’s Democrats are repeating Roosevelt’s patterns (printing money, government programs, war as an economic driver), we’re actually in worse shape in some ways than we were before. For one thing, if war comes directly to America, we have a society that is unable to pass the physical requirements of military service. Our children are uneducated and, having been taught that America is an evil nation, half are unwilling to defend it.  In addition, because we’ve sent our heavy industrial output overseas (especially during the Obama years by using environmental law against industries), we have no arsenal for democracy.

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