Was Hurricane Milton Tampa’s Stage One For Its Planned 15-Minute Smart City? After All You Cannot ‘Build Back Better’ If You Don’t First Destroy The Existing Infrastructure


by Kathleen Gotto , All News Pipeline:

Bill Gates has a plan for Tampa for a new 15-minute city and it sounds . . . well, great! Kind of like how wonderful and equitable Agenda 2030 collectivism goals are. Except for the fact that history teaches us what happens when gullible citizens trust wolves in sheep’s clothing for a fair and just society that promises equity for all. Greed and power always win, and equity can mean we all have to wear the color green. On Tuesdays.

Since it will take awhile for reality to set in on the new 15-min nirvana, the likely unintended consequences of these cities will just have to wait until they are built and ready for occupancy. Many of us, however, no doubt view the corralling of people into a small space with nanotechnology in their blood responding to RF wave signals, 5G emissions, light sensors, etc. to sound a lot like a cattle farm with electric fences and cattle prods. No, really. I’d take bets on it. If I rolled that way.

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Most everyone surely has heard about the 15-minute smart city, but has any input been solicited from concerned citizens with serious questions? Expos glamorize the various technology platforms that will be integral to the ushering in of AI advanced smart cities, but it will be at the expense of privacy and security. Are people so naïve as to believe the duplicitous and self-serving marketing hype of those behind this agenda? We’ll see.

While some voices behind the smart city agenda may give weak acknowledgement pertaining to the issue of rights of privacy and security in the AI-driven smart cities, those issues have yet to be highlighted, let alone corrected. Perhaps that is because basic human rights are really not a concern to those behind the initiative.

Leftists love squelching rights. When you have people like John KerryHillary ClintonKamala Harris, and Tim Walz publicly and vociferously denouncing free speech, you know we have a real and present danger to our Constitutional First Amendment right to express ourselves freely. It seems like everyday one Leftist or another expresses a desire to “deprogram” or otherwise silence those who do not share their ideology.

When one considers that the old Democrat Party no longer exists but has been captured and subsumed by the Communist-Marxist movement, the attacks of (what could be called) the “Commicrats” against our Constitution, are indicative of a hatred for America. American Christians and conservatives today are under attack by a ruthless and determined enemy cartel of Leftists who hate them and what they stand for. Leftists champion the smart city concept, because it would essentially take power away from individuals over even their own bodies and give it to their AI “masters”.

So, how does Build Back Better enter the picture in the smart-city agenda? Well, obviously you need to have something to rebuild, and before you have a need to rebuild, you need to destroy what exists. How can the Commicat destroyers do their destruction without coming out in the open?

To be sure, there appears to be less hiding of their agenda by some in power, but for those cowards who prefer to remain cloaked, they can do their dirty deeds under cover of darkness in the form of disinformation (lies), appropriation (stealing and cheating), plausible deniability, deflection, claims of acts of nature, and various other tricks of their trade.

That might have worked in the past before really smart people and independent media uncovered truths, like how weather has been weaponized to further the Leftist agenda hereherehere, et al.

Weaponized weather has long been in the making. Unfortunately, history shows that what may start out with a beneficial agenda, often devolves into a program of death and destruction. One way or another.

Weaponized weather is an established fact. But the how has not been widely publicized so any information in this area is illuminating herehere, and here. The question then is this: did the U.S. and/or other entities create, instigate, or exacerbate the recent and deadly Hurricanes Helene and Milton? Have these dark forces partnered with Agenda 2030 to further the initiative by providing Build Back Better opportunities? Could the devastation left behind by the hurricanes clear the way for the U.S. government to sink its claws into the quartz and lithium mines or to jump start a 15-minute smart city for Tampa?

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