Violent, Destructive Riots Could Erupt into Post-Election CHAOS


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

It feels like only a short time ago when I wrote a similar article about post-election chaos in the battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. And all hell did break loose in cities across the country. While the worst of it was short-lived, it set the scene for four years of contempt, disrespect, and growing disenfranchisement with the opinions of our fellow Americans.

And here we are with another hotly contested election between two candidates who are both deeply scorned by the opposition. In terms of unrest, it doesn’t matter who is announced as the winner of this election. Someone is going to be furious.


We’ve already seen at least two legitimate assassination attempts against Donald Trump. We’ve seen people with huge social media followings call for his death with no blowback from the Secret Service. Kamala Harris never won a presidential primary and thus far, the momentum seems to be swinging for Trump.

Regardless of who wins (or is announced the winner), chaos is likely to erupt. And with both candidates suggesting they might be unwilling to concede to the other, expect the flames to be fanned by this.

But this article is not about Republicans or Democrats or even the election process itself. It’s not about whether our election integrity is still in place.

It’s about the aftermath and how it will affect all of us.

Will we all lose on November 5th?

D*mned if we do and d*mned if we don’t.

That basically sums up the current election cycle. I’d go so far as to say that everybody loses during this election, especially if the promised chaos erupts when the winner is announced.

Regardless of which candidate “wins” the presidential election, I have a bad feeling about the aftermath. I think we could be on the cusp of the most widespread civil unrest since the Civil War.

It’s important to note motivations. Some folks will be true believers that their candidate was the only person who could save America. Others will look at it as an opportunity to loot with no repercussions. Both can be very dangerous, but true believers will target persons and institutions with different philosophies from them.

You need to get prepped. Immediately.

What it all boils down to is that we need to be prepared.

We need to be ready for any unrest that comes about as a direct result of the election – and I really believe that there will be some form of uprising against the result. I hope it will be nothing more than a few minor, isolated incidents, but I can’t get past the nagging feeling that all hell is just about to break loose.

November 4th could be the last day of relative normalcy for quite some time.

If possible, hunker down in a safe location.

Generally speaking, urban areas will be the most dangerous. If you live downtown, election week might be better spent visiting friends or family outside of the city. However, I know that life continues, and you may not be able to just pick up and leave. If you can’t do that, you need to prepare your home for the potential of riots. (See this article.)

Of course, no place is completely safe. Just ask the lady who flew a Trump flag during the last election who received a letter saying her rural home was a target for arson.

Dear neighbor, you have been identified by our group as being a Trump supporter. Your address has been added to our database as a target when we attack should Trump not concede the election. We recommend that you check your home insurance policy and make that it is current and that it has adequate coverage for fire damage. You have been given ‘Fair Warning.’ (source)

I’m not trying to scare you, but if these folks in small-town New Hampshire are targets, anyone could be. Don’t let your location lull you into a false sense of security. When people are angry and radicalized, any place where someone disagrees with them can become a target.

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