US data shows COVID vaccinated kids 5 – 18 die at a 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers


by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Comorbidity differences perhaps? Nah, I’m not buying it and I’ll show you why. Also, new New Zealand FOIA results show a 5X increase in < age 40 in cardiac ER calls post vax rollout!

Executive summary

new paper published in the peer-reviewed medical literature (Yang) looking at over 300,000 kids aged 5-18 (mostly in the US) shows a highly statistically significant 5.7X higher mortality rate for those who opted to get vaccinated. The authors didn’t mention that at all. Furthermore, when they were asked about it, they refused to comment on it. So I will.


I’ll show you that the overall susceptibility to disease in the two groups was very similar, yet the mortality (measured from one month after the PCR test that was used as the index date for enrollment until 1 year post enrollment) was 5.7X higher in the group that was vaccinated at the time of enrollment.

Secondly, a new FOIA response in New Zealand shows nearly a stunning 5X increase in cardiac-related ER visits in those under age 40 after the COVID shots rolled out from 4406 in 2020 to 21416 in the first full year after the shots rolled out. That’s a Z-score of 256 which means something very serious is causing this; it is in no way a statistical fluke.

Each of these should cause health authorities to investigate. But in today’s society, you could be fired for asking questions like this. So many people will continue to believe the vaccines are safe.

The Yang paper showed a 5.7X higher mortality in vaccinated kids 5-18


The association between COVID-19 vaccine/infection and new-onset asthma in children – based on the global TriNetX database

Alex Berenson first wrote about this 11 days ago, but I ran into it independently, verified it all independently, and then later found out about his article.

He was absolutely right to call attention to it. It’s stunning.

Alex also points out that there were higher comorbidities in the group that was vaccinated prior to enrollment in the trial. I totally agree. But I’ll go one step further and show you why this cannot explain the 5.7X higher mortality.

About the study:

  1. Use TriNetX global database (mostly US kids)
  2. Ages 5 to 18 with average age around 12
  3. There was a vaxxed and unvaxxed cohort defined based on vax status prior to the index date.
  4. The propensity matching was ONLY within the COVID / non-COVID of each cohort.
  5. The two cohorts were NOT propensity matched to each other. t
  6. The vaccinated cohort (Cohort 2) had higher comorbidities than the unvaxxed (Cohort 1), but the COVID vs. non-COVID groups were matched.
  7. The index data (enrollment date) was based on PCR test results.
  8. Vax status was set at index time.
  9. The index date was between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022 and was set at the day of the test.
  10. Participants were followed for 1 year post-enrollment, but the 30 days post COVID test period was ignored.
  11. You can only find the death numbers of the two groups buried in the Supplement 1 of the paper. It should have been noted in the abstract as the differences are stunning. I guess they wanted their paper to be published rather than rejected.
  12. The paper itself made no mention of the fact that the vaccinated kids died at a 5.7X higher rate than the unvaccinated kids. It was only in a table in the Supplement and the authors didn’t call attention to it.
  13. As Berenson noted in his Substack, the authors refused to comment on the death differences between the groups. So this wasn’t an “oversight.” They just do not want to talk about it. In science, you can get fired for opposing the narrative.

For me and my misinformation spreader friends, the heart of this paper is completely buried in Supplement 1, a Word document that most people will never see. Here it is

This is Table S2 which is Supplement 1 in the paper. If you just look at the percentages (in parens) you see that the vaccinated group died at a rate between 5 and 6 times higher than the unvaccinated kids (0.1% vs. 0.6%).

Here are the Fisher exact test stats on the numbers:

The p-value is 6e-103 and the CI intervals are tight around the odds ratio OR of 5.75.

In short, the vaccinated kids were almost 6X more likely to die within a year after their COVID test compared to their unvaccinated peers.

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