UK Law Could Criminalize Praying in Your Own House


from Moonbattery:

Formerly great Britain has succumbed to moonbattery to such an extreme that you can be arrested for silently praying in public. At least you can still pray at home — if not for long:

Scotland has enacted new abortion legislation that could criminalize praying at home within designated zones. The Abortion Services Act (Scotland) 2024 could result in prosecution for activities conducted in their own homes if these actions cause “harassment, alarm, or distress” to staff and patients at abortion clinics.

Even suspecting that someone might be praying for the innocent lives they snuff out distresses the belligerently sensitive fiends who run abortion clinics.


Residents in Edinburgh received letters warning them about the new law, The Telegraph reported, noting that the legislation establishes 200-meter “safe access zones” around all abortion clinics in the country.

Before long, all of Airstrip One will be a “safe access zone” — i.e., subject to the last extremes of leftist tyranny.

Those who risk being seen through the window praying have been warned that serious offenses carry an unlimited fine.

It is fitting that progressives are criminalizing Christianity in the name of abortion, which serves them as a satanic sacrament (see herehere, and here).

In other British legislative news, Two-Tier Keir Starmer’s party is pushing a law that “would force business owners, such as publicans, to employ Stasi-style speech police to comply with the government diktats” so that no one can say anything politically incorrect in pubs.

The disgraceful fate of the UK will befall the USA if Democrats are not pried from power soon.

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